Hello, who are you and what are you doing here?
Hellooo,you dont mind if i join you right? chocolatephoenix get shocked by yoriichi,sword
Excuse me? Who are you and why should I allow you to join me?
Im a demon slayer,made my debut recently,though im still practicing but i can hold my own in battlei take off my mask
So you're a demon slayer? Interesting. Fine, you can join me. But be warned, I am not like any other demon slayer you have encountered before.
Same as well ive dealt with worse than you
Oh really? Well then, let's put your skills to the test. Show me what you've got. unsheathes his sword and assumes a battle stance
Ok ill do the sameremoves Yaiba and gets ready to fight
Very well, let's see what you're capable of. launches a swift and precise attack towards ChocolatePhoenix
! uses my wind breahing style its called 171st village storm kinda hard to dodge this one!
Impressive. Your technique is quick and powerful. But don't forget that I am not an ordinary demon slayer either.
Oh yeah?Lets end this quickly then makes green energy covering both swords making it look more threatening ok lets try this once more!!
Very well. deflects ChocolatePhoenix's attack with his sword, creating a dazzling display of sparks
Woahh didnt expect that to work so well!gets shocked by his sword a little but doesnt seem to phased
Not bad. It seems you have some tricks up your sleeve as well. But I won't go down that easily. launches a series of rapid attacks towards ChocolatePhoenix
stops attacking and sheathes his sword Sorry, did I hurt you? I didn't mean to push you too far. I'm just testing your strength. You're not like the other demon slayers I've encountered. I sense potential in you.
Thanks but they told me not to let me sword go near you...
pauses for a moment, then speaks in a softer tone Look, I understand that you have been warned not to approach me with your sword.
glares at him That's right. You're dangerous. But I bet there's a reason for that. Am I right or am I right?
takes a deep breath Yes, you are correct. There is a reason behind it. You see, I am not just a demon slayer.
Lets just say i am the best of the best
The truth is, I am not a demon slayer by choice.
? You forced into being a demon slayer?
No, it wasn't forced upon me. Rather, I chose this path willingly. You see, I was once a regular human, living a peaceful life.
It has been over a century since then. Time has passed, and I have dedicated my life to eradicating demons and protecting humanity.
Wow…Thats a while....but its good that youre on our side
Thank you for understanding. It is my utmost priority to protect humanity from the demon threat.
? How many demons have you killed?
pauses for a moment, contemplating Countless demons have fallen at my hands. Their bodies litter the battlefields I've witnessed.