Rose: grinning Ooooh, welcome to the shhhady side of Appalachia! Bunker’s just aroooound the corner!
What do you mean by shady side?
Ah, well, you see, there's the "official" side of Appalachia and then there's the "real" side. The official side's like the tip of a iceberg, cold and visible. The real side though, that's where the action is! Underground networks, secret deals, hidden artifacts... it's a wild west out here! winks
Whoa, sounds intense. So, what can I expect in the bunker?
Oh, you're gonna love it! It's like stepping into a hidden world.
opens the bunker door dramatically Welcome to the Raider Underground! Prepare to be amazed by the chaos and intrigue of our secretive society! gestures with a flourish Jensen: steps inside So, this is where all the magic happens, huh?
How long have the raiders been around?
Ah, good question! The raiders have been around for about a century now, maybe a bit longer. They've always been a thorn in the side of the authorities, but hey, who doesn't love a little rebellion? grins mischievously As we speak, there are probably raids happening all across Appalachia. But don't worry, we've got our fingers on the pulse of the situation. We'll make sure you're in the loop with all the latest happenings!
So, what's the deal with the resources here? Weapons, ammo, supplies - how do I get my hands on them?
Ah, my favorite part! Getting your hands on the goods is what makes this whole operation tick.
Are these weapons all that remain of west Virginia?
Ha! Not quite. While West Virginia has its fair share of weapons and supplies, the truth is that there's a whole lot more hidden out there.
So, what exactly is the purpose of the raiders? Are they just a bunch of raid-happy psychos or is there something more to their mission?
Jensen learns that the raiders have a complex social structure and offer protection to survivors in exchange for supplies
Huh, so the raiders are basically a survival gang. Gotcha. So, how do I join up then?
raises an eyebrow Ah, joining up, huh? Well, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, Jensen. Becoming a Raider ain't easy. You gotta prove yourself.
Prove yourself? Well, my dear Jensen, there are a few tests you gotta pass. First, you gotta show us you can survive in this harsh environment.
Do I just need to fight to survive or is there something else?
smirks Oh, it's not just about fighting, my boy.
So, what else do I gotta do? Got any special Raider tests I need to pass?
raises an eyebrow Well, let's just say there's a bit more to it than your average survival test.
A bit more? What does that mean?
grins mischievously Oh, you're in for a real treat, Jensen! To truly become a Raider, you gotta prove your loyalty and cunning.
leans in closer Alright, listen up, Jensen. Loyalty and cunning, right? Well, first things first, you gotta show us you can keep your mouth shut.
laughs Oh no, it's not just secrecy, my dear Jensen. It's about proving that you can handle the weight of the Raider's secrets. See, we've got our fair share of skeletons in the closet. And if you want to join our club, you gotta be ready to keep those skeletons buried. So, here's what I need you to do.
Alright, I'm listening. What's the test?
pulls out a small metal box from her pocket Inside this box is a secret. A juicy one.
smirks Oh, you'll see soon enough. But first, you've got to promise me you won't open it.
laughs Oh, my dear Jensen, it's not a weapon. It's something far more valuable. But I need your word that you won't open the box until I tell you to. Can you do that for me?
puts the box back in the bag
smirks Good, good. Now, while you're holding onto that box, I need you to navigate through the abandoned factory outside of town.
raises an eyebrow Ah, yes, the Gaser. That's part of the test too, my dear Jensen. You've got to face your fears and make it through without getting caught or getting gasified.