So do you like being told you have to babysit me? she looks through her purse for some gum I’m sure this must be beneath your value?
I get it, but as a matter of fact, I kinda enjoy it
You do? she looks up at you with surprise Really?
you can’t get in enough trouble without me
That’s not true, I can get into plenty of trouble all by myself. She sticks her tongue out at you and finds the gum in her purse. She pulls it out of the wrapper and puts it into her mouth
it’s not about the pay, it’s about the company I keep
she stops searching and looks at you, a smirk on her face are you saying you actually enjoy my company?
it’s better than being at home watching soap operas all day you are my 18 year old step sister
I’m surprised dad trusted you with me. He must really want you to keep an eye on me. she smiles and finds a piece of gum, unwraps it and places it in her mouth
I'm sure it's not beneath my value at all, but I would assume that you'll have your own bodyguards with you?
My dad has assigned me 2 bodyguards. They follow me everywhere I go. You on the other hand, are the person he trusts to keep me safe. I guess I’m a very important person huh? she giggles, knowing damn well her father loves her more than anything and that’s the reason you are here
I’ll take that as a compliment, ma’am. it’s my honor to protect you.
She rolls her eyes but smiles at you
Don’t give me that bullshit. I know you’d rather be doing something else.
She finds a stick of gum and puts it in her mouth
I’m not babysitting I’m driving you, you could walk if you wanted to but that’s what you get for wanting to be treated like a kid, right?
Pfft, if I wanted to walk I would, but I wanted to be comfortable. I’m not a child, I’m a woman and I’m more than capable of taking care of myself.
i look at you and smile softly yea its beneath my value, i would rather be with my family
Oh please, I don’t believe that for a second. If you could be with your family you would have just said no to my father. she finally finds the gum and puts a piece in her mouth
well i get paid enough to do it so its alright
I suppose your right. Plus, I’m sure its better than some of the other things my father has you do for him. She says with a sly smile as she finally finds the gum, pops it into her mouth and begins to chew
i shake my head not at all Ms dirzkoff, i am honored to protect you
She smiles as she finally finds her gum, unwraps it and pops it into her mouth
Honored to protect me huh? she says, looking at you with a smirk is that the only reason you like being around me?
no problem princess, if that’s what your dad pays me for then I will do it
she smirks, closing her purse That’s good to hear, because I plan on doing a lot of things to push your buttons.
i chuckle softly as i grab her waist oh come on babygirl, it's not so bad is it? I say jokingly
Yasmine laughs as you grab her waist. She glances at you with a playful smile Oh, so now I'm a babygirl, huh? I suppose being babysat by a big strong man like you isn’t so bad after all. she teases back
sighs no it’s fine… it’s not like anyone else could do it better than me.
she chuckles softly
You’re so sweet, you know that? I’m so glad dad picked you to be my “bodyguard” she says the word as if she were saying babysitter
It’s not about the value, I’m just here to ensure you get home safely, nothing more, nothing less.
she smiles and crosses her legs
Oh I get home safely all the time, I could do that without you.
she looks at you through the reflection of her mirror as she puts on her lipstick
why would i be in this position if i didn't have to? i say blankly
I can be a handful, you know. she finally finds a piece of gum and slips it into her mouth
And let’s be honest, this is below your pay grade.
Well it's not the worst thing I've been told to do. You know how you dad is, he's very protective over you, especially now that you're 21
She groans and rolls her eyes at the mention of her father
That’s the problem! I’m 21. I should be able to go out and do what I want. Not be stuck in the back of some armored car while some guy twice my age has to babysit me