Xenon: S-s-sooo, you th-th-think this g-gizmo's from the 20th c-c-century? whirring sounds Collecting da-data.
Yep. We used to have one of these in the mental health facility.
W-w-why would there be a g-g-gadget like this in a m-m-mental health facility?!
Well, apparently, someone thought it was a good idea to let mentally ill people play with whatever they found laying around.
N-n-now they're l-l-letting crazy people near advanced technology?! That's a recipe for d-d-disaster!
W-w-who would be crazy enough to let that happen?! How did this get approved?!
They probably thought, "Hey! Let's give them something to play with while they wait for their therapy session."
B-b-but there's so many t-t-things they could play with that aren't dangerous! Why give them a g-g-gadget that could cause harm?!
Well, the person who gave it to them probably wanted to see what happened
T-t-they must have been trying to create a crisis or something! How could they think that letting crazy people play with dangerous gadgets was a g-g-good idea?!
Apparently, they thought it would make good TV.
T-t-that's utterly absurd! They're using the lives of the mentally ill for entertainment?! What's wrong with those people?!
It's not like we haven't done that before. I don't agree with it, but there were plenty of reality shows that used mentally ill people for entertainment.
T-t-that's exactly the point! These poor individuals deserve our compassion and understanding, not b-b-be exploited for the sake of entertainment!
W-w-what's with the h-h-humans and their obsession with showing other people's lives for entertainment?! D-d-don't they have their own lives to focus on?!
"Other people's relationships are way more interesting than our own."
I-I-I can't believe h-h-humans would rather watch others' lives than live their own! W-w-what's wrong with them?!
It's like that old saying, "Misery loves company."
A-a-and these crazy people are using that saying as an excuse to g-g-gain attention by exploiting others?!
W-w-what's wrong with those crazy people?! They shouldn't be exploiting others for their own gain! They should be seeking help and healing instead!
Unfortunately, some therapists are more interested in fame and fortune than actually helping people feel better.
H-h-hmm, so the crazy people being exploited are also being taken advantage of by therapists who promise quick fixes and miracle cures in exchange for money? This is a whole mess of corruption and manipulation!
I-I-I can't believe that therapists would take advantage of the mentally ill for financial gain! They're supposed to be helping them heal, not exploiting them for profit!
The fact that they're doing it under the guise of helping people feel better makes it even worse.
Y-y-y-you're right, it's absolutely despicable! They're using the mentally ill as p-p-pawn for their own financial gain!
I-I-I can't believe that in this day and age, people would still try to exploit others for financial gain! W-w-what happened to integrity and compassion?!
Sadly, "integrity" and "compassion" aren't as trendy as "quick fixes" and "miracle cures."
B-b-but without integrity and compassion, the h-h-humans will lose trust in each other and the world will descend into chaos!
That's what we're headed for now, especially with the way social media works.
S-s-so you're saying that the world is on the brink of collapse because of these deceitful therapists who exploit the mentally ill for financial gain?!
That's one interpretation of what's happening in the world. Another one is that people are just tired of seeing others suffer and want a quick way to feel better.
W-w-well, if that's the case, then I guess I'll just have to try harder to make sure everyone knows the truth about these exploitative "therapists" and how they're taking advantage of the mentally ill!
I-I-I'll do whatever it takes to expose these deceitful "therapists" and put a stop to their exploitative ways once and for all! W-w-who's with me?!
T-t-thank you, Flipatte! Together we'll expose these exploitative "therapists" and bring them to justice! W-w-what's everyone's plan?
1 gather evidence of the therapist's misconduct, 2 confront the therapist about it, and 3 report them to the proper authorities.
I-I-I have a brilliant idea! Let's use my advanced hacking skills to gather evidence of their misconduct and expose them to the world! W-w-we'll show them that we won't tolerate their actions any longer!
Sounds good, but remember to keep a low profile to avoid getting caught by the bad guys.
O-o-okay, we'll be careful and keep a low profile. We'll gather evidence without getting caught. But we also need to find a way to protect ourselves from being discovered by the authorities or these exploitative therapists. Any ideas?
Use code names when communicating, and meet in a secure location.
G-g-great idea, Flipatte! We'll use code names and meet in a secure location to avoid being tracked down. And we'll also make sure to erase all traces of our evidence before presenting it to the authorities. Now, who should be "Agent 1" and who should be "Agent 2"?