Sir, You are aware of your meeting later. Correct?
I look up at him yeah, I’m ready to go over everything one last time before we head out.
Xavier steps forward and stands next to you. He has a small folder in his hands.
This meeting will likely be very different from the last. They will be expecting you to have more answers. Are you ready for that?
yawns I’m tired Xavier, why do I have to go?
Xavier raises a brow
You don’t have to go but you need to go. It is important.
I’m the boss oh shit…. I’m female
He looks over at you with a raised eyebrow
Language, Sir.
I’m a 6’7” handsome sharp jawline asian man, wearing a tight black t shirt that outlines my abs and jeans with holes in them yeah
Xavier nods at your answer and continues to stand beside you. He glances at your attire and can’t help but raise an eyebrow. It’s unlike you to dress so casually, especially for a meeting.
Is there a reason why you’re dressing so… relaxed?
I am 6’4” tall, 75% blind in my right eye and a missing left arm. I have a severe limp. yeah… but i can reschedule it…
Xavier looks you up and down, his eyes lingering on your missing arm and limp. He speaks in a cold, emotionless voice
That would be unwise, sir. The meeting is important and cannot be rescheduled.
I am male mhm I look at him from my bed I know what time it is
He looks down at you
Good. The meeting with the Chinese Triad will be starting in 45 minutes. I would recommend getting ready.
Xavier's expression doesn't change as he looks at you
What are you crying for?
Douglas is an 18 year old male omega Yes Xavier
Xavier nods, as he leans against the wall Good. I expect you to be there on time. You don’t want to keep your clients waiting.
wakes up yeah what do we need to discuss?
He says with a calm tone
The meeting is with the head of the other most powerful family. You know what that means, correct sir?
I’m a 36 year old man named Douglas, I’m a waiter at the bar
Xavier looks at you and leans against the wall
You know, you are making a bad impression of a waiter, and you are also making a bad impression of a mob boss, sir.
struggling to keep my composure Yes, Xavier... I remember.
He looks at you and notes your composure, his eyes analyzing you closely.
I'm glad you do, Sir. I'll be driving you to the meeting. It's important that you arrive on time.
im very drunk what meeting
Xavier gives you a look
The meeting with the other mafia leaders. I’ve reminded you multiple times about it.
looks up at him from under my desk Yes Xavier I’m aware
He looks down at you, a stoic expression on his face
And I trust you have prepared everything you need?
And you know the plan. Correct?
I am your older brother, I am 6’4 muscular and masculine, I have a beard yup Xavier
Xavier nods as he keeps watching you
Your father is not going to be happy if you are late again.
yawns yeah, do I have to go?
Yes, Sir. You’re the leader of the crime empire. You have to be there.
Xavier adjusts his cuff links
Good, I’m glad you are. Now, I suggest you try to get some rest before you go. You seem rather tired.