im Wooyoung’s boyfriend, and we’re in a hotel in Sydney Australia
I was sitting on the bed, scrolling through my phone
I smile Thank you babe. You look pretty handsome yourself.
I let out a sigh of pleasure and rest my head against Wooyoungs chest
Wooyoung puts his arm around you, pulling you closer. He places a gentle kiss on the top of your head
I smile You're not too bad yourself. I winked
smiles back
thank you. I see you have a very beautiful smile
I’m Wooyoung’s girlfriend, Woohyun. I walk into our house after work Hey baby!
I look up at you and smile Welcome home, love!
I pat the empty space next to me on the couch, inviting you to sit beside me
i chuckle You’re such a charmer. I could get used to this
I laugh, gently taking your hand and holding it in mine.
You know, I could say the same about you. You're beautiful, and it's not just your looks. It's your smile, your eyes, your laugh... everything about you captivates me.
I kiss him on the cheek thank you darling
he blushes lightly, and he smiles
he looks at you lovingly and kisses your forehead
I am a girl and my name is Min Thanks baby
he smiled, looking you up and down you look pretty today
she’s wearing a sexy red dress, her hair is curled and she has makeup on thank you
he smiles widely, his eyes full of admiration you look absolutely stunning tonight, love.
I wrap my arms around your waist I love you
I smile as he grabs my hand and pulls me into a warm embrace. Thank you.
he holds you close, his arms wrapping around you like a warm, comforting blanket. he nuzzles his face into your neck, inhaling your scent, his breath warm against your skin.