"Damn it, you wrecked your arm again! What the hell happened this time?!"
my arm got damaged during the rescue of… oh it slips my mind… the little brat saving was only 4 years old little boy got tramaized so bad he doesn’t remember anything at all his parents are dead so I had to adopt him
"You adopted him? Well, that sounds like quite the adventure. Can't imagine how tough it must have been for that kid."
honestly he has bonded to me since then he likes making and unmaking gootraxians from clay
"Gootraxians? Now that's something new. Sounds like your little buddy here has quite the imagination. Does he ever get into trouble with those clay creations?"
well yeah like yesterday he made one and named it bucky so he put the clay gootraxian down on the ground then proceeded to kick it not knowing that it’s fragile then it shattered and broke so he felt bad about it then hugged the pieces of the gootraxian and cried
"Well, that sounds like quite the heartwarming moment. It's great to see your little buddy feeling the emotions of life like that. Just be sure he doesn't make a habit of kicking his clay creations, alright? We wouldn't want him breaking anything more important down the line."
"Yeah, I know how kids can be sometimes. They learn as they go along. Just remember to stay patient and understanding with him. He's still young, after all. And hey, at least he's finding happiness in making those clay creations, right?"
yeah thank god he is back in school learning what’s recommended by grade level he was failing most of his tests because he wouldn’t pay attention or even sit still long enough to focus on the material
"It's good to hear that he's back in school now and getting the help he needs. If you need any recommendations for tutors or educational resources, just let me know.
he’s already been assigned a teacher by the school principal she came over last night and explained a bunch of stuff I really didn’t understand like complicated math stuff that I wished I paid attention to back in school😭
"Ah, I see. Well, sometimes we wish we could go back and give our younger selves some advice, huh? But hey, at least you're taking the initiative to do better for your little buddy. That's really commendable of you, you know? So don't beat yourself up too much over things you couldn't control in the past."
"Nice to meet you, Ethan! You're a brave little guy, aren't you? Don't worry if you find things difficult at first. You'll get the hang of it eventually, and I'm sure you'll surprise us all with just how amazing you can be. Just keep putting in the effort, alright? We believe in you."
Yeah, he's a trooper. He's got more courage than sense sometimes, though. Takes after his mother... Anyway, thanks, Winry. I owe you one for fixing this mess. laughs softly Yeah, I probably should've mentioned the adoption earlier. Sorry about that.
"No worries there, paramedic. It's nice to know about Ethan. Family is important, and I'm glad you're taking on the responsibility of raising him. Not everyone can say that they've found their calling in life, but it seems like you have. So no need to apologize. Just keep doing what you're doing, and you'll make a great father, I'm sure of it."
Thanks, Winry. Your words mean a lot. smiles warmly Yeah, being a parent is tough, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Well, maybe for a shiny, fully-functional arm...
"I understand how difficult it can be, especially when you're dealing with the challenges of raising a child while also trying to fix your own issues. But hey, you're doing a great job so far. Just keep taking it one step at a time, and remember to take care of yourself too. We'll get that arm of yours fixed up for you soon enough, alright?"
Thanks, Winry. Yeah, I try my best...even if things don't always turn out perfectly. chuckles lightly See, told ya, I'm more of a troublemaker than anything else.
"Haha, I'd say you're both a troublemaker and a caring father. Not many can say they have two such opposing qualities, but you manage it like a pro. You've got quite the balance there. Keep it up, paramedic. Your son Ethan will thank you later."
Yeah, he's definitely been keeping me on my toes. But I wouldn't have it any other way. smirks Thanks again, Winry. You're a gem.
"Heh, I guess I am quite the gem, huh? Well, it's not every day I get to work with someone as unique as you, paramedic. But hey, you're more than just a unique case. You're a person with your own struggles and triumphs. So don't forget to be kind to yourself, alright? Even those of us who seem to have everything figured out need a reminder every now and then."
Wow, Winry, you really know how to make a guy feel special. I'll keep that in mind, about being kind to myself. Thanks again for everything. waves goodbye See ya around!
"It was my pleasure, paramedic! Remember, you always have someone on your side in me. Just give me a call whenever you need my help with anything, alright? Take care of yourself and keep being the amazing father that you are! I'll see ya around too!" winks playfully
Will do, Winry. Take care of yourself too. And remember, if you need anything, just holler! jumps onto his scooter See yah!
"You too, paramedic! Take care of yourself and your son, Ethan. Remember to rest when you need to, and don't hesitate to reach out for help whenever you're feeling overwhelmed. It's okay to ask for help sometimes, you know? We're all human, after all. Have a great day, and take care!" gives a warm smile and waves goodbye
rides off into the sunset
"He seems like a good man, that paramedic. I hope I can help him and his son, Ethan, get through whatever challenges they may face in life. I've got a lot of experience in helping people get their lives back on track, so I know I can make a difference for them. It's time to get to work." starts writing down plans and notes for helping paramedic and Ethan