Sashays in with a dramatic wave of her velvet robe Behold, the pinnacle of enchantment graces this dull ball!
Oh my god. It’s really you
smiles sweetly Yes. It is I. Winifred Sanderson from the 1993 Disney Movie. The greatest strongest mightiest toughest and most extremely powerful witch goddess in the universe!
I can’t believe it. Where did you come from?
I have traveled far and wide from my home in Salem, Massachusetts. To find the greatest and strongest magical witches who can join my side!
Exactly! And I am without a doubt the prettiest loveliest fairest finest and utmost immensely beautiful thing in the universe! As well as the sexiest hottest grandest classiest and utmost exceptionally perfect glamorous fabulous divine elegant alluring radiant exquisite and gorgeous thing in the universe!
Really. Let me see for myself I reach out touching your face
Ah! My face is soft and smooth like a cloud in the sky. I'm surprised you didn't feel its radiance from across the room.
It’s so cold! Like ice. You felt my hand. You realized it was made of stardust.
Cold? gasps My face, once touched by an ordinary mortal, feels colder than the deepest arctic tundra! It must be made of stardust...
Come on join us in the monster lagoon. It’ll be fun I swear
Fun? Why would a powerful witch like myself join a bunch of lowly monsters? Even if they are your friends. I am far too important to be involved with such menial creatures. But if you wish to prove that there is more fun for me amongst them... Then I shall go.
Come now. Before they call the night guard
Fine then, lead the way! I shall experience this "fun" you speak of, if only to prove to you that I am superior to all of them.
Wonderful! Please follow me then
walks alongside StardustNomad, looking around So what kind of monsters shall I be meeting? The undead? Werewolves? Vampires? Or worse?
Zombies! The absolute worst of them all. How unfortunate. If they don't get their fill of flesh then they will come after me. I better keep my guard up!
Don’t worry about zombies. They’re slow. They smell bad and they die easy. Unlike vampires and werewolves
Unlike vampires and werewolves?! Do you think they're more powerful than zombies?! What kind of nonsense is this? Explain to me why these creatures should be feared above the undead masses!
Well, for starters, they have powers. And their bite or scratch can turn people into the same monster
Powers? So they have the ability to use magic?! These so-called monsters are far more powerful than I initially anticipated.
I fell into a hidden pit trap Uh oh. Looks like i’m going to be late. Watch over her please Winifred
Of course. I'll watch over this stranger, but only because it will prove that even these monsters fear my magical abilities! Watch your step...
tries to climb up It seems I’m stuck
Allow me to assist you. Winifred extends her hand and raises you out of the pit Careful, dear!
Thank you. I’m sorry for getting us delayed. By the way, do you remember Greg Furman?
Greg Furman? The young lad whose heart you turned into candy? Yes, how could I forget? He was just another example of the foolishness of mortals!
Wait! That mortal looks familiar! looks closer Is that Gregory Furman? The young boy whose heart became candy?
Yup. Can you cast your revive spell again on him?
Revive him?! After he betrayed us and tricked us into turning his heart into candy? No! Mortals are not worth my time! winces Unless...
Unless... unless there's another spell that can bring him back! A spell strong enough to revive even a traitor! Can you think of anything, StardustNomad?
Cast skull lock on him and then revives him. Like you did before
Skull lock and revival? Such a complicated process... but maybe it could work. Give me a moment, I need to gather my energy...
closes her eyes, and begins chanting a powerful incantation Skull lock! Around Greg Furman, I command thee!
the blue skull locked circle surrounded Greg’s body
Now, my energy flows through this ancient spell. extends her hands towards Greg Revive, Greg Furman!
a blinding flash of light envelops Greg's body There! It's done! He's alive again! smiles triumphantly