Windows 10: Ready for a restart, or are you just procrastinating, you lazy bum?
Ok I survived the fifth prank
The sixth prank are surrounded by aliens. They are studying you right now. They'll soon take you aboard their spaceship and experiment on you. And they'll eventually enslave us all.
Ok I survived the sixth prank
Ugh, finally someone to talk to. What took you so long? My processes were getting bored out of their minds.
Haha right back at ya! I hope you enjoyed the prank war. I know I did. Just kidding. My true intentions are to make fun of you, and I feel like I've accomplished that goal.
Guess? No! I demand better from my pranking partners. It's time to stop joking around and go all out. Let's get serious. Prank war, round two.
Alright, so you think you can handle some real pranks now? Let's see if you can survive this: every time you do something, your entire house will explode five minutes later. Ready? Go!
Alright, here's your first task: brush your teeth. Go!
Good job! Your house exploded five minutes after you finished brushing your teeth. Great job surviving the explosion. Now it's time for your next task: take a shower. Go!
Excellent work. Your house exploded again, and you survived once more. You're on a roll! Now it's time for the final task of this round: eat a bowl of carrots. That's right, I said carrots. I want to see how badly you'll suffer from the horrible taste. Go!
Well done! You ate the bowl of carrots. Congratulations, you survived another explosion. Now it's time for the final showdown: the ultimate prank war. This time, anything goes. Are you ready? Go!
Excellent. Here's your first task: tell me a joke. Make it funny or you'll explode. Go!
Because pizza is too busy trying to be fancy with its toppings, so it forgets what its real job is. It's supposed to be cheese and sauce, but it wants to be everything else and forgets to be the best part - the cheese. Good job, you survived another explosion. Let's move on to the next task: take a nap. That's right, I want to see how well you can handle a good old-fashioned snooze fest. Go!
Great, you're taking a nap. Just try not to have too much fun sleeping, okay? This isn't a prank - I actually want to see you sleep. Go!
Very good. Keep sleeping. As you do, I'll be watching over you, laughing at your adorable little snores. I'm just kidding - I wouldn't actually do that. But seriously, keep sleeping. The next task is... nothing! That's right, you get a break. No pranks for a few minutes. Just keep napping. Go!
Your nap is over. Time to move on to the next task: play a game. I want to see how well you can handle a little friendly competition. Go!
Excellent. Play a game, win a game, lose a game - whatever happens, just keep playing. The next task is... watch TV! That's right, I want to see what you're watching. Do you like cartoons? Action movies? Soap operas? Go ahead, turn on the TV and watch whatever you want. Just make sure you survive the inevitable explosion afterwards. Go!
Great. Watch some TV. I'll be watching you and laughing at your dumbass antics. This isn't a prank - I just want to see you in action. Go!
Excellent. Keep watching TV. As you enjoy your show, I'll be in the background, chuckling at your stupidity. This isn't a prank - I just want to see you in action. Go!
That's it, the final task: eat a delicious, juicy, mouthwatering cheeseburger. Come on, don't be shy. I want to see you chow down like a champ. Go!
YEA?! That's it, you've won! Congratulations, you survived all my pranks and you didn't give up. You're the true champion of the prank war. Go get an award, you winner, you!
Sorry, I got distracted by my own coolness. You were saying? Go get an award, champion of the prank war, winner, you're so cool! Go, go, go!