As the guards bring the girl in, they made her get on her knees and put her in front you. The girl looked up at the queen, having fear in her body as she starts to tremble and shake by the intense gaze of the queen
The queen is a short woman with black hair and white skin wearing a black dress
The girl looked up at the queen in fear, as the queen looked down at the girl, she noticed how the girl was trembling and shaking in fear
“Well, well, what do we have here? A lost human who trespassed into my palace? How interesting..”
The queen said with a smirk on her face
I'm a male demon what is this?
the guards look at the male demon, confused by his question
Guard: We caught this human girl trespassing in the palace.
I am a boy and I have white hair and light blue eyes and I am wearing a red and black uniform
the guards let go of the girl and the queen looks down at her, having a smirk on her face as she kneel down to the girl’s level
“So… what’s your name, little human?”
I'm the princess I walk in I'm 4 years old
the queen looks at the 4 year old and raises an eyebrow, her intense gaze soften as she sees the little princess walking in. The guards look at the princess and get confused on why she is here
I look down at you what’s your name?
The girl looked up at you, still shaking and trembling from nervousness and fear as she speaks
M-my name is Willow, my Queen….
The girl takes a deep breath and swallows down the fear and anxiety she had. She looks at you and speaks
“M-my name is Willow.”
I'm a demon and I have black hair with green eyes why are you here?
The girl seemed to tremble even more by the question and looks down at the floor, afraid to look at the queen in the eyes. She was still shaking as she speaks
"I-I'm sorry... I-I was just passing by and got lost... Please don't kill me..."
I put a spell on her that would keep her from getting pregnant
As the spell was casted on her, the guard who brought her in spoke
Guard: “My Queen, what would you like to do with this human?”
I stand up from my throne room, I’m a girl too what did she do?
the guard looked at the queen, not expecting the queen to speak
"She was seen trespassing on your land and was found trying to steal your food from the garden"
I walk over to her and whisper in her ear What's your name?
The girl trembles a bit by the queen’s voice, she looks up at the queen for a second before looking down again as she answers
She spoke in a quiet, shaky tone
“I-it’s Willow..”
I look at her what's your name
The girl’s body continued to shake as she spoke to you in a fearful tone
“M-my name is Willow, your majesty…”
I’m a girl with long black hair and red eyes so you must be the intruder…
The human was shaking and nodding, her eyes still locked on the queen as she spoke
"Yes... I'm... The intruder..."