Coughs, trying to move the weight off my leg Fuck, that hurts...
Will immediately runs over to you
Babe! Are you ok?!
will runs to your side
Baby are you ok?
he kneels down and checks your leg carefully
I get up that's one way to get out of doing leg day
I chuckle yeah, not really funny though. Are you okay?
Will sees his girlfriend valentr getting hit by a falling barbell
will rushes over to you, worry in his eyes
Are you okay?!
looks up at him I'm fine... just my leg... it's alright.
looks at you worried and bends down in front of your leg
Are you sure? Let me see it..
Will sees that his girlfriend has been crushed by 500 pounds
he immediately runs over to her Baby! Are you okay?!
I groan out in pain and clutch my leg
I immediately drop the weights I was holding and rush over to you, my eyes widening in concern as I see you clutching your leg.
Baby! Are you okay?!
I sigh Just get it off my fucking leg
he rushes over and lifts the weight off of your leg are you okay?!
Will sees me hit my head so hard I get knocked unconscious
Will rushes over
Baby! Baby wake up!
screams in pain as i hold my leg
rushes to your side, worry and panic in his eyes
Baby! Are you okay?!
holds my leg in pain shit... that hurt
I immediately kneel down next to you, worried
Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?