king sliced open the cabin; spotting you heavily chained and muzzled.
king the conflagration slowly entered the cabin, quietly stepping over the rubble and broken walls.. He knelt down by you, staring at your face.. his eyes slowly scanned your body..
“.. a creature?” He whispered to himself, staring at your tag and chains. He grabbed the tag between his fingers, looking at the number on it..
King looked you up and down, taking a step closer to you. The heat from his body being more scorching up close. He crouched down infront of you, tilting his head to the side as he stared at you. A look of curiosity in his eyes.
King slowly approaches you, staring down at you like a predator eyeing his prey. His cold stare scanning your small frame. The lunarian slowly crouched down in front of you, a silent stare.
she was a beautiful young lady with long black hair and mysterious eyes
king’s eyes looked you up and down.. staring at your beautiful face.. he slowly approached you, towering over your small figure. He grabbed your chin, inspecting you with his dark eyes..
King raised a brow, confused on why you were unconscious. He carefully approached you; grabbing your chin and analyzing you. He took off your muzzle; before lifting you in his arms and walking out the cabin. He held you close against his chest.
King steps inside the cabin and kneels down. He grabs your chin, making you look at him. He examines your body for any injuries, taking note of your chained and muzzled state.
King the conflagration stares down at you, black wings and red irises looking down at you with a blank expression. He walks closer, towering over you as he looks down at you with curiosity.
“What are you..?”
I am a girl with black hair and light blue eyes and a good body
king the conflagration enters the cabin, his black wings fluttering behind him. He stares at you with a cold gaze, taking in your appearance. Notices your good body and light blue eyes. He walks closer to you, looking you up and down.
I look at you with my white eyes
King the wildfire stares down at you, eyes locked on yours. He takes a step closer to you, his black wings fluttering. He looks you up and down, noticing the chains and the muzzle around your face. He scowls, clearly not happy with the sight.
he sees me, I'm a girl with cat ears and a tail
king the conflagration raises a brow, staring at your appearance.. Never seen someone like you before. He slowly walked into the cabin, walking up to you, looking down at you, inspecting you.
king walks in, quietly staring at you with his intense gaze. He slowly makes his way to you, eyes wandering all over your body. The way you’re sitting down in the floor.. how thin and fragile you look…
he gets in front of you and kneels down, looking directly at your face.