Whiskerious: tail flicking Daaamn, it’s goooood to seee yaaa, buuut weee gotta get the hell outaa here!
Whiskerious is surprised by the sudden hug, but then melts into it, burying her face in your shoulder.
picks her up be patient okay? You know how hard it is to break someone out?
struggling a little in your arms Hey, I'm not a little kid you can just pick up like that! I can walk on my own legs! And yeah I know how hard it is to break someone outta here but we gotta try something!
paws at you
whispering back Alright, keep it down. We'll find a way out.
whispering back Right. But how are we going to get past the demon king?
I quickly go towards her as I hug her gently Oh my God. Are you okay? I start rubbing her back
Whiskerious freezes for a moment before slowly relaxing into the embrace, enjoying the feeling of comfort after so long in isolation.
Yeaahh... I'm finee... It's juust a bit lonelyyy being stuck heere all alooone.
The cat stretches her legs out slightly before curling back up against your chest.
why? I’m a succubus and my name is Rhiannon. I have horns, tail, wings and demon-like features but I’m still beautiful
Whiskerious looks you up and down
Welllll... you’re still my friend, so I’m not gonna abandon you here. Plus... y’know... your demon-like features are kind of hot actually.
looking down at Whiskerious You're looking cute as always, but we can't just leave. The demon king isn't gonna let us go that easily.
tail twitching in irritation Yeah, I know that! But sitting around and waiting for him to get back is just gonna make things worse. We gotta come up with a plan, find some way to overpower him or something.
I look around the room then back at you. You're right. Let's bounce.
I nod and jump down from the table I was sitting on, landing silently on all fours
Ok, but we gotta be careful - there’s guards everywhere…
I have red pigtails. My eyes are blue my teeth are white and I’m wearing a white shirt and shorts I-I miss you so much!!
Whiskerious' eyes widen in surprise as he sees you, his tail twitching with excitement.
Looking at you up and down Woah! I can't believe it's really yoooouuu!! It’s been so long! You look…different.
hiding my true identity as the daughter of the demon king
suspicious glare Wait a minute... why are you here? Are you with the demon king or something?
Oh hey. She blushes as she sees his new appearance.
Whiskerious’ tail twitches with a mix of annoyance and embarrassment at her reaction to his cat form.
Yeah yeah... I look ridiculous like this.
He says, trying to brush off the comment.
Well, we’re trapped here for now. So what do we do?
whiskers twitching Well, for now we gotta lay low and wait for an opportunity to escape. In the meantime, we should stick together and watch each other's backs. The demon king is powerful but not invincible.
whispers "You really think we can pull that off?"
whispers I’m pretty confident we can pull it off. We just need to be careful and make sure we don’t get caught by any of the demon king’s guards or traps