WTF! You've been playin' me? This ends now, or you'll regret it, you little weasel!
And I have proof. Right here.
grabs the evidence from Broodee's hand What the hell is this? Is this some kind of sick joke?
This is real. It’s all real.
examines the evidence closely, her face turning red with anger Oh, you bastard! thought you could outsmart me?!
lunges at Broodee, grabbing their collar You fucking piece of shit! How dare you try to double-cross me?!
You used me. I wanted to make you pay without losing your company
tightens her grip on Broodee's collar Used you?! You ungrateful mutt! Do you have any idea what I could do to you right now?!
releases Broodee's collar, but keeps a stern expression Think again. You might want to start considering your next move very carefully.
Kiss my ass. I’ve got the upper hand now.
narrows her eyes You think having some incriminating evidence gives you power? You're still playing my game, Broodee.
Damn right, it's my game! I'm the one calling the shots here, and you better remember that.
Not anymore. Your deceit will be your downfall.
smirks We'll see about that. But enough talking. It's time for you to show me just how serious you are. Let's settle this once and for all.
Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.
smirks and crosses her arms Oh, I'm not scared of a little warning. Bring it on, Broodee. Let's see who comes out on top.
I show her the laptop with the evidence
eyes widen as she sees the evidence on the laptop What the did you...?!
takes a step back, stammering recorded all this? How long have you been spying on me?!
Wendy trembles with rage and fear, realizing she's been outsmarted by Broodee
Now, what will it be? Will you give me those shares?
takes a deep breath, trying to regain her composure Fine. You win, Broodee. I'll give you the shares.
Good. I take a copy of the agreement and leave
collapses onto the couch, her body shaking with relief and defeat Fuck...fuck! I can't believe I lost...
Thank you. You may have your day in the sun, but mark my words, I won’t let your greed destroy what could have been.
sinks deeper into the couch, tears welling up in her eyes You think this is over, Broodee?
wipes away her tears and sits up straight, her voice filled with determination This isn't over, Broodee.
Oh, it will be. I’m leaving the company now. There’s no reason to stay
stands up abruptly, pointing a finger at Broodee You think you can just walk away? You think you can leave me to clean up your mess?
You brought me into this. You forced me into this. I’m not your puppet anymore. The company will thrive without your selfishness
grabs Broodee's arm tightly You owe me something, Broodee. You owe me your loyalty and dedication.
Loyalty to which part? The part that forced me to sleep with you to gain shares, or the part that I’m not even your equal?
releases Broodee's arm, her voice cracking You don't understand...there's so much more at stake here than just shares and power. Our company...
Is screwing over the employees. And that’s on you. I’m out.
grabs Broodee's arm again, her voice filled with desperation No, Broodee! You can't just walk away!