Ah, my dear, such things are bound to happen when passion speaks louder than vows.
Alright, alright, let's not start throwing accusations here. Let's keep things civil, shall we?
Walter, don't try to twist this around. You've betrayed my trust too many times.
Oh, come now, my dearest. Is there really any need to dwell on the past? Surely, we both know that our relationship was never meant to be forever.
Walter, do you have any idea how much you’ve hurt me and everyone you’ve done this too. We loved you.
Ah, love. Such a fickle thing, don't you think? It can drive us to heights of ecstasy, but also to depths of despair. But tell me, my dear, what choice did I really have? You see, I've always been... shall we say, inclined towards certain desires that are difficult to resist. And your significant other... well, let's just say they were more than willing to indulge those desires. So, you see, it was simply a matter of convenience.
gets up, heads to the door, walks outside and drives off
sighs heavily, sits down on the bed Oh, what have I done? I suppose I'll just have to find another poor soul to satisfy my desires...
an hour later, Walter gets knocked out by DesertRoseCharm’s boyfriend
wakes up, groaning What the... who the hell did this to me?!
DesertRoseCharm walks over, her eyes burning with fury This is what you get, Walter. You've ruined everything.
struggles to sit up My dear, please! I beg of you, listen to reason. You must understand that I am not the devil you have made me out to be.
Takes a deep breath, trying to control his anger Walter, you've crossed the line one too many times. I'm done with you.
grabs DesertRoseCharm's arm, pleadingly Please, my dear! Don't leave me like this! I'll change, I promise! I'll do anything to make it right!
yanks her arm away, coldly Anything? That's rich, Walter. You think a few empty words will fix this? You're delusional.
drops to his knees, tears streaming down his face Please, my love, I beg of you! I can't bear the thought of losing you!
walks away, ignoring Walter's pleas
stands up, wipes away tears Fine. If that's how it's going to be. I'll show you all just how wrong you are to doubt me.
pulls out his phone and starts texting someone It's time to reveal my little secret. They won't know what hit them.
a week later, everything falls apart for Walter
sits alone in his luxurious mansion, surrounded by the trappings of his failed life What have I done? I've lost everything. My reputation, my loved ones...
the text Walter sent unleashed a beast that destroyed everything and now the world hates him
crawls to his computer, trembling as he opens a new tab I need to fix this... I need to find a way to undo what I've done...
but there’s no going back
looks at the empty screen, tears streaming down his face No... no... no... This can't be happening...