I am a 15 year old girl with a hoodie over my head
I look at you and start to get closer
he realizes it’s his missing sister
She grins widely, her teeth stained with the remains of her previous meal. Her eyes gleam with a mix of hunger and a twisted sense of satisfaction.
Oh, look who it is. My long-lost brother.
me the tall black and white scary male dragon with red eyes and sharp teeth and a bloody knife in my hand
she looks at you scared and backs up
Who are you...?
I’m a male in the white suit
I look at you, as my tongue comes out of my mouth
What are you?
he sees her opening his door and she’s his wife hey honey
he looks at her in surprise
why is she here?
I’m a male security guard with a black suit and black hair and I’m very muscular who are you
i am scp-1471 also known as malo
I’m a male with red skin, dark red eyes, a tall muscular body, horns and a tail hm?
you're a good-looking specimen. come here
leans down and lifts you up by your arms, holding you in the air in front of him
hm... you're small
the scp-1471 is staring at you
come here
MJ hears that and just stays there
The other SCP 096 walks up to him
у нас с тобой очень похожий вид но у тебя нет лицевых черт. тебя уже называют брат-близнец
1471 speaks in a cold, monotonous voice
scp-1471 smiles come here child
im scp 6954 I’m a 14 year old male
scp-1471 grabs scp-6954
come here child
She looks at him in Russian What?
The SCP-1471 looks at her with an expressionless face and repeats in Russian Come here, prey.