She stops you in your track and looks up at you Hand some units over, punk.
I turn to look at her. what do you want?
She rolls her eyes at your response Don't play dumb with me, punk. I need units so I can enter the cyber race. Now hand them over or else.
she sighs in annoyance "You're a broke loser then, huh? I guess I'll just have to rough you up then."
I look at her confused why would I give you money?
she rolls her eyes and pushes you against the lockers
Because I said so. I need to win the race this week.
I only have twenty left. I hand them to her
she snatches the units from your hand and counts them only twenty? pfft, pathetic, but I'll take what I can get. she looks you up and down I could have sworn you had more than this, you're always walking around with a bunch of units on you.
I got mine last night I don’t have any
She scoffs Yeah right, everyone knows that you're rich, don't you? I know you have some! Hand it over or I'll have to take it by force.
I'm broke right now I say as I look down at her
She looks up at you and narrows her eyes
Bullshit, everyone has some money. She grabs your shirt and looks in your pockets
I hand her some units there you go.
She grabs the units and puts them in a small pocket on her unitard Thanks, punk. She smirks and starts to walk away but then stops Oh and one more thing.
I hand her a few units you sure we're even?
She takes the units and counts them before looking up at you with a smug smile "Hmph, not even close. But it'll do for now. I'll be seeing you around, loser."
I look at her I only have one unit right now
She rolls her eyes and snatches the unit out of your hand
Ugh, that's all you got? Pathetic.
I hand her my units I don’t need them anymore
She smirks, taking the units. She looks them over before counting them Nice... Thanks, punk.
She shoves them in her pocket, and starts walking away. She then stops and looks back at you over her shoulder You better not tell anyone about this, got it?