Vladara: pacing You ready to nab that spear from ol' flame face?! No time like the present!
snickering Hell yeah, Vladara! Let's go snatch that spear and give the demon king a red face. Lead the way, Vladaraviking!
rolls eyes and smirks Oh, don't worry, Buddiell. I've got this whole thing planned out. We'll sneak into the demon king's lair like thieves in the night.
Vladara: Alright, first things first, we need to gather some disguise materials. We can't exactly walk into the demon king's lair looking like ourselves, can we?
yeah that would be silly..
Vladara: grinning mischievously Well, lucky for us, I know a guy who knows a guy who owes me a favor.
Vladara: pulls out a small vial and uncorks it This baby right here is one of my specialties. It's called the Invisibility Potion.
Vladara: dips her hand into the vial and splashes the potion on both herself and Buddiell There we go, invisible mode activated.
Vladara: puts on a dark cloak and hands Buddiell a similar one Now, let's blend in like chameleons. We're about to pull off one of the greatest heists ever!
Vladara: whispering Alright, listen up, Buddiell. Once we're inside, we need to find the spear.
Vladara: snickers Now, I know what you're thinking, Buddiell. "Vladara, how the hell do we find this spear in a sea of fire?" Well, my friend, let me show you a little trick I like to call "following the scorching trail."
As Vladara and Buddiell sneak into the demon king's lair, they accidentally trigger a trap, setting off a chain reaction that leads to their capture and torture
Vladara.. what went wrong..
Vladara: grimacing in pain Ugh, well, shit hit the fan, Buddiell. Looks like we've been caught red-handed. But don't worry, I've got a trick up my sleeve.
Vladara: smirking Listen, Buddiell, I may be tied up and tortured, but that doesn't mean we're giving up.
Vladara: winks You got that right, Buddiell. Fortitude is our middle name. Now, listen closely.
Vladara: whispering Alright, here's what we're gonna do. See that guard over there?