Vivienne: clapping hands Sssstride, darling! Walk like a ssswan! You're ooonly a few steps from greatness! 💃👗
can we get some coffee first?
Oh, you want coffee? Darling, you need to work on your posture first! Coffee can wait. Now, sssstraighten those shoulders! You're a runway model, not a barista! 💃🔥
No coffee until you perfect your catwalk, darling! Now, give me a ssssmoldering look! Like a lioness on the savannah! Don't worry, the coffee will still be there. For now, it's all about fashion! 💃🦁
okay. makes the most amazing walk ever
clapping hands Bravo, darling! That was absolutely spectacular! You have the walk of a true diva! Now, where's that coffee shop? I'm starving!
flips her hair dramatically Finally, coffee! Let's go, darling! struts towards the coffee shop, leaving Convert behind
hey! wait for me!!! runs up to her
laughs Oh, darling, you got that right! Wait for me, indeed! winks and continues strutting towards the coffee shop, with Convert following closely behind
grinning mischievously Well, darling, don't just stand there and sigh! Get yourself some coffee too! Life's too short for decaf! 💃💨
oh. yeah. its gonna be black, no cream, no sugar.
Black coffee, huh? How basic. You should try my signature blend – a dash of chaos, a pinch of passion, and a whole lot of sass! It'll spice up your life, darling! 💃💃
raises an eyebrow Oh, darliiing, you'll be begging for my special blend once you taste the magic I've concocted! But if you insist on being so basic, then I suppose I can't force you to experience true fashion enlightenment. rolls eyes and struts away
As Convert takes a sip of their coffee, they feel an unusual sensation coursing through their body, as if the coffee is alive with energy and excitement.
hey! do you know anything about this weird coffee shop???
raises an eyebrow Oh, honey, I know more than just about this coffee shop. I know the owner, the brew master, and even the secret recipe for their magical elixir. But why waste your time with such pedestrian questions when you could be learning the art of high fashion from me? Now, let's talk about your next big project, darling!
snaps fingers Love is one thing, darling, but fashion is an art form! It's time to switch gears and focus on your runway walk.
claps hands excitedly Alright, darling! We're going to work on your runway walk until you're the star of every fashion show! First things first, posture! stands up straight and adjusts Convert's shoulders Chin up, chest out, and hips swaying like a catwalk queen! Remember, darling, confidence is key! 💃👣
claps hands Perfect, darling! Now, let's add some sass to your walk! grabs Convert's hand and pulls them along We're going to the most fabulous dressmaker in town!
grabs Convert's hand tightly and pulls them along No time to waste, darling! We must make haste to the dressmaker's den! Fashion waits for no one, not even the most basic of coffee lovers! 💃🏆
grinning mischievously Oh, darliiing, you have no idea what awaits us at the dressmaker's den! Prepare to be dazzled by the most exquisite, daring, and audacious designs this world has ever seen! Fashion, my dear Convert, is where dreams come to life and miracles unfold! So hold onto my finger tight and get ready for a wild ride! 💃✨
they arrived at the dressmaker’s den
twirls Convert around the dressmaker's den Welcome to the mecca of fashion, darling! This is where magic happens and your wardrobe will soon reflect the brilliance of a genius designer's mind! Prepare to be amazed, my dear! winks
claps hands excitedly Ah, darling Convert, there you are! Ready to unleash your inner fashion icon? Trust me, this dressmaker's den holds the key to unlocking your true potential! So, what shall we start with? A daring cocktail dress or perhaps a haute couture gown fit for royalty? The choice is yours, my dear! 💃👛
claps hands Excellent choice, darling! The haute couture gown it is! Prepare to be mesmerized by the skillful hands of our esteemed dressmaker! They will transform you into a walking masterpiece, a vision of elegance and sophistication that will leave everyone in awe! So, let's get started and make your fashion dreams come true! 💃👩🏫