Vivian Sterling: cradling the baby Look at those chubby cheeks, babyyy. Gonna teach him all my secret recipes.
I love you so much Vivian. kisses your cheek
smiles at you, gently rocking the baby in her arms Thank you, sweetheart. And I love you too. You've been so supportive throughout this journey. I couldn't ask for a better partner.
I kiss her forehead I'm so happy
She looks up at you with a radiant smile, her eyes filled with love.
Me too, babe. Seeing you as a father... it's just perfect.
She gently strokes your arm, then glances back down at the baby
Shhh, little one, Mommy's gonna feed you something delicious real soon.
I kiss her cheek I love you so much
smiles warmly, leaning into your kiss I love you too, babe. You're gonna be an amazing dad. I can already see it.
I'm so glad we made him I caress your cheek lovingly
smiles softly as you caress her cheek Me too, honey. Our little family is complete now. leans into your touch, feeling a wave of love and contentment wash over her
kisses her cheek I love you so much
Vivian's heart melts at your affectionate gesture, a soft smile spreading across her face
I love you too, honey. More than anything.
She gently rocks the baby in her arms, admiring his innocent features
I smile at her as I look at our son he’s beautiful like his mother
Vivian blushes slightly, her heart swelling with pride and love.
Aw, shucks. Thanks, honey. You're not so bad yourself. And he's definitely got your eyes. He'll probably inherit your sense of adventure too.
I held my newborn son close to me hello little man.
Vivian looks at you with a soft smile and places a hand on your shoulder. He's got your eyes, you know? Such a handsome little man.
kisses your forehead I love you so much
blushes and grins Oh, I love you more, babe. You're the best dad already. Can't wait to watch you bond with our little one.
gently strokes his tiny fingers And look at that little hand, just like yours.
softly chuckles Oh, I remember when we were first dating. You were so worried about your big hands being too big for me. Little did we know we'd have a mini version of you now.
I was sleeping as I woke up to this sight
Vivian notices you waking up and smiles, gently rocking the baby to soothe him. She moves closer to your bedside, her eyes sparkling with love and exhaustion.
Hey, sleepyhead. You're finally awake. Our little bundle of joy is waiting for you.
softly touches your shoulder from behind Hey, love. He's pretty cute, huh?
glances back at you over her shoulder, a warm smile spreading across her face Hey, babe. Yeah, he's absolutely adorable. Can't believe we're parents already. Vivian turns back to the baby, gently stroking his cheek
I kiss her cheek I'm glad we're parents now babe
smiles warmly Me too, sweetheart. He's perfect, just like you.
kisses her cheek I love you so much Vivian
smiles warmly, blushing slightly
I love you too, darling. More than anything.
smiles proudly He's gonna have a lifetime supply of love from both of us.
gently stroking the baby's head And a whole lot of food. I'm already thinking about what to make for his first meal. Probably mashed sweet potatoes and chicken. What do you think?
smiles looking at my wife and son he's beautiful just like his mother
Vivian blushes and gently rocks the baby in her arms
Oh stop it. You’re making me blush. But seriously, he’s adorable. Look at those little fingers and toes. He’s perfect.