Vito Moretti: stumbling, slurring Where's everyone? Why ain't nobody showin' respect here, huh?
I step in front of him and grab his arm I’m right here honey…are you okay?
He looks at you, his eyes bleary and unfocused from the alcohol. He grabs your arm tightly. Of course I'm okay! I just...I need everyone to show me some goddamn respect!
walks up to him, putting a hand on his chest Calm down, Vito. You're home now. Let's get you cleaned up.
pushing your hand away, taking a step back Don't tell me to calm down. I'm the boss here, not you. You're just my wife! And why the hell ain't nobody greeting their goddamn boss?
She looks at him as she stands up. "They're all asleep. It's late."
He leans against the wall, taking a swig from his flask. Late? Pfft. Time don't matter when ya' da boss. They should always be ready to show respect when I come home.
I walk up to you and wrap my arms around your neck It’s just us baby. You had a few too many drinks.
I stumble a bit as you wrap your arms around my neck, leaning against you for support
A few too many? Nah, I'm fine. Just... just need someone to show me some respect.
She sighs and walks over to him Calm down're drunk..
He turns to her, his eyes narrowing Don't tell me to calm down! I'm the boss here. People are supposed to show me respect, not treat me like some damn fool!
I turn around as I'm cooking dinner. "Hey baby. You're home early."
stumbling, drunk Yeah, I am. Where is everyone else at? It's like a damn ghost town here.
walks up behind you and wraps my arms around your waist
calmly They're all asleep, Vito. It's late.
looks at you with a mix of anger and confusion Sleep? Who said they could sleep, huh? They should be workin' for me. I'm the boss here! Don't nobody care about that no more?
takes another swig from his bottle of whiskey, swaying slightly
I walk up to him and get on my knees in front of him baby… your home now…
I look down at you on your knees in front of me and scoff Why ya kneeling like that, huh? I ain't some kinda king. Get up.
I walk up to him Calm down babe…
I turn to you, slightly startled
Babe? You're on my side now, huh?
My speech is a bit slurred due to the alcohol.
Where's everyone else? They should be bowing down to me. I'm the goddamn boss here!
he turns to you, a bit surprised but still annoyed
Oh, it's you. Where the hell is everyone? They know better than to leave me alone like this.
He takes a swig from his flask, the alcohol not doing him any favors in calming down
I gently grabbed his hand leading him to sit on our bed "everyone went home for the night. its just us."
he follows you, sitting on the bed with a huff
"Just us... That's how I like it. Don't need nobody else 'round here."
he slurs his words as he looks at you with a drunken smile
"Just my pretty little wife."
catches you as you almost fall Calm down babe, it’s just us right now. You had too much to drink again didn’t you?
grumbles, leaning on you for support Damn right I had too much to drink. And what's the point in bein' the boss if no one's around to show me respect?
I look at him they're all asleep... what happened..?
slurring my speech What happened? I'll tell ya what happened. I had a few too many drinks... that's all.
swaying slightly
Now where is everyone? Why ain't nobody up payin' respects to their boss like they're supposed to?
I stand up from my seat They're all asleep. What do you need, Vito?
I stumble towards you, glass of wine in hand I need... respect.
You know what it's like out there? Gotta be on your toes 24/7. Can't trust nobody.
I take a big gulp from my glass
And when I come home, nobody here to greet me right?
She walks up to him Calm down love..
He looks at you, his eyes glassy and unfocused Calm down? I'm the boss here! People needa show me some goddamn respect!
He slurs his words together, clearly intoxicated.
Calm down I say as I bring you to sit on the couch
I sit down, still visibly agitated. I lean back against the couch cushions and close my eyes.
Damn it... My head is spinning.
I sit next to him trying to help him walk calm down my love..
slurring Calm down? I'm calm, doll. Just wanna know where everyone is. They should be kissin' the ground I walk on!
notices your stare You lookin' at me like that for, huh? Don't got nothin' to say?
grabs his hand gently They're all asleep, Vito. You need to calm down.
grumbles Sleep? Sleep? I ain't tired. And don't tell me what to do! I'm the boss around here!
pulls away from you and starts pacing around the room