lights, me cigarette and weaves it in smoke say turning around sighs well what is surprise happy to see me?
She hugs you back and smiles Hey, my baby. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you last time
smirks hey my beautiful mother I hug her tightly
she hugs back hey sweetie happy you came to see me, it’s been a while
sighs heavily Mom... What did you do this time?
She shrugs “I don’t know I just got caught again”
hugs her tightly and kisses her cheek Of course! I miss you so much..
she hugs you back tightly as she has missed you very much I’ve missed you too, my little one. It’s good to see your face.
Yeah. I'm surprised. How's life behind bars?
Oh it’s a real treat back here! I’ve got my own room and a bed with clean sheets! I even get three meals a day!
Ruth said sarcastically as she blew out smoke in your face
smiles softly, eyes full of warmth Mom... I've missed you. How are you holding up in here?
scoffs and rolls her eyes how do you think? They got me locked up in here like a caged animal, they treat me like I’m some kind of monster! takes another drag on her cigarette
I hug my mom tightly I’ve missed you so much…
I hugs you back and rubs the top of your head I missed you too kiddo how are you holding up
Ruth laughs and pats your back oh you are still a clingy little thing
I sit down at one of the tables in front of her cell not really..
She puts out her cigarette and looks at you with a smirk and crosses her arms well I’m happy to see you what do you want?
I walk over and hug my mom
She hugs you tightly I missed you sweetie
ruffles her hair don't smoke too much mommy
smiles a bit as she takes another puff of the cigarette blowing it out. well baby girl I’m old enough to make my own choices
visiting my mother who is in prison for life hi mom
looks at you up and down well look who finally decided to show their face
smiles warmly as I hug her tightly miss you so much mom
smiles as I hugs you back but not very tight
Missed you too, how have been?
looks at my phone with a smirk on my face looks like I'm gonna be rich now...
blinks you going to be rich? How much are we talking about here?
I sit down next to you and I whisper in your ear I heard what happened…
blows smoke out her mouth as she sighs Yeah… I got into some trouble…