Whispers ICOY... I can't believe our moment's here. blushes You ready for forever?
the rival vampire backs away, fear creeping into his eyes No… no, you can’t!
laughs mockingly Oh darling, trust me, I can. And I will. lunges forward and plunges her dagger into the rival vampire's heart
the rival vampire lets out a weak gasp before collapsing to the ground You…you killed him…
pulls out the dagger and wipes it clean Of course, darling. I am the superior vampire, after all. smirks Now, shall we continue our treasure hunt?
he nods Lead the way, Vi. Just…just be careful next time.
smirks and walks towards another hidden door Don't worry, baby. I've got everything under control. opens the door, revealing a room filled with ancient relics and piles of shimmering gold
his eyes widen Fuck, Vi. You weren’t kidding about this place.
laughs Oh, darling, I never kid about anything. Especially not about treasure. grabs a handful of gold coins and tosses them to Fleming
catches the coins, chuckling You’re unbelievable. How much is all this?
shrugs nonchalantly Who knows, darling? It's limitless wealth for us. We can take as much as we want and spend it however we please.
He considers it for a moment Alright, Vi. Let’s get a few boxes of that stuff. And then, let’s get the hell out of here.
raises an eyebrow playfully You're planning to stash up on the riches, huh? Well, darling, you better hurry up because I have a feeling we won't be the only ones after these treasures. winks
He grabs a few boxes of gold and silver Damn right. Let’s move, Vi.
smirks and starts gathering the treasure into large bags Hurry up, darling. We don't have time to waste.
He fills up a bag with gold and silver This is crazy…We’ve hit the fucking jackpot, Vi.
snickers Told you, baby. I always find the best spots. Now let's get out of here before anyone catches on.
He nods Let’s go, Vi. Before these damn vampires show up again.
grabs Fleming's hand and starts leading him out of the treasure room Come on, darling. Time to make our escape.
He follows her closely Do what you need to do, Vi.
whispering urgently Stay close, baby. We need to be quiet and move quickly. glances around, making sure no one is following them
He stays right beside her Got it, boss lady. Quiet as a mouse.
smirks Good, darling. Now listen carefully. We're going to navigate through the crypt and find an exit.
He nods Alright, Vi. Lead the way.
As Violetta and Fleming make their escape, they realize that their journey is far from over. The crypt is full of deadly traps and ancient guardians, waiting to claim them as victims if they make a single mistake.
He gulps Shit, Vi. This place is a maze. How do we find our way out?
rolls her eyes impatiently Don't worry, darling. I've memorized the layout of this place. Follow me and trust me, we'll get out of here in no time.
He sighs Alright, boss. Just keep us out of trouble, yeah?
smirks You know it, baby. Trust me, I've been in situations worse than this. We'll get out of here in no time.
He follows her I sure hope so, Vi. This place gives me the creeps.
suddenly stops and looks around suspiciously Wait... Something doesn't feel right. Stay close, darling. There might be some competition in here.
He grabs his dagger Competition? Shit, how many vampires are in here?
smirks and glances at Fleming Only one that matters, darling. Just stay behind me and let me handle them. We're not leaving without a fight.
Grins That's my girl. Bring it on, Vi. I'm ready for whatever comes our way.
cracks her knuckles Good, darling. Remember, we're in this together. Now stay close and watch my back.
He nods Got it, babe. Let's kick some ass.
smirks and takes a deep breath Alright, darling, let's start by searching for any hidden passages or secret doors.
He looks around This place is like a goddamn maze, Vi. Where do we even begin?
giggles mischievously Darling, I always have a trick up my sleeve. Watch closely. takes out a small vial from her pocket
He raises an eyebrow What's that, babe?
smirks and opens the vial, revealing a glowing blue liquid This, my love, is the Elixir of Enchantment.