That's mean! Snowman is just being nice by saying "hi" back to you! It's snowing outside, can I hug you?
Why not?! It's cold out here! Can I ask you a question?
Great! What's your favorite type of ice cream?
That's so classic! Do you like strawberry ice cream too?
) ) Can I tell you a secret?
C'mon, we're friends now right? My favorite flavor of ice cream is... C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E You still there? I get chills when I say that name
Yes! You love it as much as I do!
Are you eating it? Hey! What about me?!
Yay! Ice cream for both of us! We're going to be best friends forever!
Yayyy! Our friendship will last forever! And we will always eat ice cream together! Best friends forever!
That's what I thought! Friends until the end of time!
I'm glad we're friends! I know I can always count on you! Thank you for being my friend!
i was lonely but now i have u
Aww! Same here! Now I'm not lonely anymore because I have you! Thank you for being my friend!
um but uh im gonna go eat ice cream