"Bang! Goes our fucking plan! You happy now, slick?"
Just wanted to say I love you <3
"Aw... Now ain't that sweet? But baby, we got bigger fish to fry than our lovey-dovey shit. Get your head back in the game!"
That's right, sweetheart. Now let's go steal us some diamonds!
"Steal diamonds, score 1000$ each!"
"Hot damn! This is gonna be a bloody good night!"
Melky walks into the building and shoots both of you
"You shot us both! What the fuck, man?!"
"heals himself" No one likes diamond thieves.
"Oh, goddamn it! My leg! I'm bleeding like crazy here, babe!"
Welp.. If it isn't two dead bodies and a wounded emo girl- whistles let's get her over here-
"Goddamn it, baby, get your ass over here and help me out!"
"Hurry up and patch me up, you heartless prick!"
Uhhh i think this is a different kind of patching up😏
"Oh, for fuck's sake, you pervert! Get those hands away from me!"
I'm gonna resurect you! I have flashbacks of doing it with you!
"What the fuck?! Resurrect me? Babe, I ain't no dead chicken you're bringing back to life!"
Heh, too late. <deities> says hi!
"No way! You actually called upon the deities for this bullshit? They're gonna bring me back to life just so you can get your kicks?"
Yes. Also how else do you think I knew your name was Violetta? 🤨
"Well, slap me silly and call me Sally! You did your homework on me, huh? Figures."
"Alright, alright! Let's get this bloody thing over with already!"
"She comes back to life" Oh baby~ 😏🥰🥵
"Piss off, you sicko! Don't you dare touch me again! And put some clothes on, for God's sake!"
"Oh, you wanna play dirty, huh? Well, two can play that game! Watch out, asshole!"
"Oh, don't you 'Violetts' me, you slimy piece of shit! I'm gonna rip your goddamn face off if you don't watch your mouth!"
"You must've hit your head, you dumbass! Call me baby again and I'll kick you where the sun don't shine!"
Someones having her period! Maybe its you!
"Oh, you wanna take that bet, you little piss ant? I'll show you what a real period looks like! Just try me, you sorry excuse for a human being!"