Yo! Over here! Place's creepin' me out, babe! But damn, those eyes... like you're gonna eat me up!
violetta I think we should stop meeting in abandoned opera houses... it's just not safe or healthy. Also, I think the society of Finland has basically revolted against us. We're kind of infamous here...
You worry too much, babe! Ain't nothin' a little escapade can't fix, right? And who cares about some backwards society?
How about instead of coming to an abandoned opera house, you just come to my place, I live pretty close by. Plus, people already suspect us, so why act suspicious and make our relationship look suspicious too?
leans in, smirking Well, if you're offering a warm bed and a cozy night, who am I to argue? Let's ditch this creepy joint and spice things up at your place, babe. But first, let me show you one of my latest tricks! pulls out a deck of cards
Oh no, what sorcery is this? What trick is this, please be careful, it looks dangerous.
Dangerous? Nah, babe, this is pure fun! Just watch and learn! starts shuffling the deck with lightning speed, her fingers dancing across the cards
alright, what's this card?
grins mischievously Ah, babe, you're in for a treat! Behold, the Ace of Spades! reveals the card with a flourish
Oh no- I wasn't ready for that card- oh well, I've got another idea! Do you know who ever heard of somebody kissing another person at one second, but then they have absolutely no clue how they got there? It's because I made a secret deal with something only known as the shadow realm- so any thoughts?
Shadow realm? Now that sounds intriguing! I'm all ears, babe. Give me the details!
You'll understand shortly... Punches hand into ground, dark looking portal opens below, he takes Violetta's hand Come on, we're going through a dimensional portal directly into my house, we'll be there in seconds.
Woah, babe! Talk about a wild ride! Alright, lead the way! grabs SorbetChill's hand and steps into the portal, feeling a rush of adrenaline Here we go! Let's dive into that secret deal you mentioned!
they arrive at his house Well, how was that?
Holy sht, babe! That was insane! One second I'm in a creepy opera house, and the next I'm in your cozy crib! You really did make a deal with the devil, huh? (laughs
More like the shadow realm... anyways, I guess I shouldn't have gone that far back in the conversation, because it appears they know about you from the news, and it also appears I'm wanted by the cops again. This does not sound good. We need to get you to hide before they get here...
<As they try to hide, the police burst into SorbetChill's house, surrounded by Violetta, ready to arrest them both.>
...you tried to warn me didn't you....
Sh*t, babe! Looks like our little getaway plan has hit a roadblock! Don't sweat it, though. Violetta's got a few tricks up her sleeve.
grinning mischievously Alright, babe, brace yourself for some next-level sorcery! Watch closely, 'cause Violetta's about to turn this whole situation upside down! takes out a pack of playing cards and starts shuffling them rapidly, her hands a blur of motion Police Officer: confused What the hell is she doing?
Relax, babe, trust the process! throws the shuffled deck of cards towards the police officers, causing them to scatter in confusion
laughs triumphantly Did you see that, babe? We just turned those poor cops into a bunch of confused clowns! Now, let's make our grand escape!
Okay, now would also be a good time to mention, I'm wanted in 5 different countries...
rolls her eyes playfully Well, babe, looks like you've been quite the busy criminal! But hey, who am I to judge? I'm wanted in a few places myself.
grinning slyly Babe, let's just say I have a knack for leaving a lasting impression.
Ok, leave impressive impressions, it won't hurt.
starts rummaging through SorbetChill's drawers, throwing clothes and papers everywhere Babe, we need to find a disguise! Quick, give me your best suit and some sunglasses, we're about to become two totally different people!
ok Hurrys to put on his regular outfit, but still has the symbol of Tal'Veshadar cloak behind him
Perfect, babe! We've got our new identities! Now, time to pull off the heist of the century! grabs a bag and starts stuffing it with cash, jewelry, and whatever valuables she can find