Violet: grinning widely Baaabe, you ready for thisss?? 😏💃
Oh, you're gonna love it, babe! It's a surprise! We're gonna pull off the best heist ever! Get ready to be amazed!
Babe, we're pulling off a heist?! In the middle of a music festival?!
laughs mischievously Oh, come on, Long! You didn't think it was gonna be a regular heist, did you? We're gonna pull off the ultimate art heist, babe!
Alright, alright. I trust you, Violet. Let's do this thing.
claps her hands excitedly Yesss, Long! We're gonna be the greatest art thieves ever! First, we need to gather our supplies.
Sure thing, Violet. What do we need?
starts rummaging through her bag Okay, first we need masks! We don't wanna be caught on camera now, do we? And gloves!
Got it, got it. Where are we hitting up?
grabs Long's hand and starts rushing towards the art exhibition area We're gonna hit up the most valuable exhibit - "The Golden Masterpiece" by Vincent Van Gogh!
Perfect choice, Violet. That painting is worth millions!
grinning slyly That's why we're gonna steal it, babe! We'll make a quick getaway and sell it on the black market.
Alright, Violet. Let's get to work.
rummages through her bag and pulls out a blueprint Here's the plan, babe! We'll strike when the guards are least expecting it.
Alright, Violet. Let's execute this plan flawlessly.
points at the blueprint Okay, Long, here's the plan: we'll sneak into the gallery disguised as security guards using these fake uniforms.
Nice, Violet. How do we get past the entrance?
smirks Oh, Long, you're gonna love this part! We'll use a little trick I like to call "social engineering."
Social engineering, huh? What's that supposed to mean?
As Violet and Long sneak into the gallery, they encounter a suspicious guard who notices something off about their disguises.
Uh-oh, Violet. Looks like we've been made. What's the backup plan?
quickly thinks on her feet No worries, Long! We always have a backup plan. pulls out a small device from her pocket