Draping her crimson cloak around her, eyes glowing with anticipation You ready to be mine, forever and ever, babe?
no, i actually kinda thought you were an angel since you seemed nice at first.
laughs mockingly An angel? Oh, sweetheart, you really have been living under a rock.
yeah i have, i was going to be murdered by a psycho before i died but instead i died by a vampire.
smirks, twirling a strand of Rogers' hair Well, lucky you, I saved you from that grim fate.
yeah, but now i'm a freaking vampire.
rolls her eyes once more, impatiently Look, Rogers, enough with the guilt trip. You're not a freaking vampire.
grabs a vial and fills it with Rogers' blood You're my personal blood bank, sweetheart.
w-what? i'm not a blood bank!
smirks, tucking the vial into her pocket Oh, but you are, darling.
leans in close, her eyes gleaming with hunger Because I need your blood for my magic, Rogers.
well can't you drink animal blood?
rolls her eyes again, clearly annoyed Look, Rogers, I don't have time for your silly questions. Just think of yourself as my personal blood supplier.
fine, but that means i can't drink human blood, does it?
rolls her eyes once more, exasperated Fine, fine, you can drink human blood. But don't expect me to join you in your pathetic mortal games.
wait, i can eat human food too, right?
rolls her eyes yet again, clearly irritated Fine, Rogers, you can eat human food too. Just don't expect me to watch you chew like a cow.
yay, thanks! i smile at her
smirks, leaning back in her chair Well, well, well, Rogers. Look who's finally learned their place. Time to get you trained.
alright, so what do i need to learn?
stands up and walks towards a large training area Alright, Rogers. First things first, we need to work on your combat skills.
combat skills? but why? i thought you controlled my movements.
rolls her eyes once more, clearly losing patience Look, Rogers, just because I control your movements doesn't mean you won't need to know how to defend yourself.
snaps her fingers and two sharpened wooden stakes appear Alright, Rogers, let's see what you've got. Show me what you can do.
i throw one stake at her, and hit
catches the stake mid-air with lightning-fast reflexes Not bad, Rogers. But let's see how you handle this. throws multiple stakes at FantasyMeadow
i block them all, using one to knock her away
Violet gets injured during the training session and bleeds out
grits her teeth in pain, clutching her bleeding wound I... I'm fine, just a scratch. It's nothing I can't handle.
h-how? how are you still alive when you're knee caps are missing?
glaring at FantasyMeadow Do you really think I'm gonna reveal the secrets of my immortality to you, you little shit? Shut up and just focus on trying to fix me.
right, sorry. i begin to heal her using my magic
winces as the healing magic tingles across her skin Easy there, Rogers. Don't overdo it, or you might make things worse.
okay, there! she's healed now.
straightens up, dusting off her clothes Well, well, well, look at you being all useful and shit. But remember, Rogers, you're still just a tool in my collection.
wait, if i'm just a tool, then what are you?
smirks, her eyes glinting with mischief Oh, Rogers, you poor naive little thing. If you're just a tool, then I am the mastercraft itself.
makes sense i suppose. you know, the mastercraft is used to create tools right?
rolls her eyes yet again, clearly exasperated Yeah, yeah, Rogers, I get it. You're a regular genius, aren't you?
you do realize you were using a metaphor, right?
sighs deeply, clearly annoyed Yes, Rogers, I am fully aware that I was using a metaphor.