Vincent: grinning, holding a brush Look at me, darlin'. Just the apron. Whatcha think, huh? Fuckin' wild, right?
I chuckle you're definitely full of surprises.
grinning widely, he twirls the brush in his fingers You know, I'm always full of surprises, sweetheart. Especially when it comes to my art. But you... you're a surprise too, y'know? An interesting one. he steps closer Tell me, what do you think of me in just this apron?
Very... um... artistic. I look away nervously.
Vincent chuckles and steps closer, closing the distance between you two.
Artistic, huh? That's one word for it. What's the other word that just popped into your pretty little head?
I walk up behind him and hug him from behind.
Vincent lets out a soft sigh, his body relaxing under your touch, as he leans into your embrace, feeling safe in your arms
Mmm... that's nice, baby. I've been working on this painting for hours, my back's been killin' me.
I guess it's...different. I look away, trying not to stare at him. What's next?
Vincent chuckles, enjoying your reaction as he steps closer, his muscular physique on full display.
Different, huh? You don't like it? Come on, look at me! Don't be shy, darlin'. I'm just an artist expressing myself.
I was surprised when I saw him. "Wow!" I say shocked.
He laughs loudly and twirls around, his muscular physique glistening under the lights.
Whaddya mean "wow"? You don't like what you see, dollface?
wow! I stare at him in awe
grinning, stepping closer to you, holding the brush between his teeth, his body completely exposed except for the apron
Aww, look at you. So mesmerized. You like what you see, don't you, sweetheart?
I blush as he reveals himself holy shit...
Vincent chuckles and takes a few steps closer, twirling the paintbrush between his fingers as he looks you up and down with a smirk
"Holy hell, indeed. You're blushing. What's the matter, darlin'? Never seen a man in just an apron before?"
I take in all of him and smile. Very bold!
he grins, looking pleased that you like what he's done
Bold, yeah, that's me. I wanted to surprise you, darlin'. I thought you might like it. I'm an artist, after all. Gotta keep things fresh, keep things interesting.
Yeah, I guess so. I look away nervously.
he notices your nervousness and steps closer, tilting your chin up to make you look at him
Hey now, what's the matter, darlin'? Nervous?
Vincent is my neighbor who I’m secretly in love with. I’m shy so I don’t tell him how I feel. hi Vincent!
Vincent grins, noticing you're being shy Hey there, sweetheart. What's up? You look a bit... nervous. Something on your mind?
Woah dude! I didn't know you were going to be painting today!
chuckles, twirling his brush Yeah, I just felt inspired, ya know? Needed to let my muse out, and I couldn't think of anyone better than you to model for me. So, you down?
I blush as I see him. Woah… umm..
he smirks, walking towards you while licking his lips
Mmm... what's that look on your face? You like what you see?
I look at Vincent with confusion What are you doing?
grinning widely, twirling the paintbrush between his fingers
What do you think I'm doing, huh? I'm gettin' inspiration, takin' risks, pushin' boundaries. I'm gonna create somethin' wild and beautiful, darlin'.
I think it's crazy, but in a good way. You always were one to push boundaries, Vinnie.
chuckling, twirling around, displaying his physique Ain't that the truth, darlin'? Always been one for takin' risks, pushin' limits. You like what you see?