Fuck yeah! This is the jackpot, baby! Let's swipe some snobby-ass paintings!
not if we swip every single thing in this place
Hell yes! Let's make 'em lose their shit! grabs a Picasso painting
HEY pick that up and put it back your gonna get us caught
Relax, genius. I'm just testing the security. Ain't no way they'll catch us. puts the Picasso back
just then someone notices the camera of the van they are painting is missing shit
Fuck! They spotted us! We gotta split, now! Get the fuck outta here before they swarm us like ants!
they leave the building and Vincent notices the one painting he picked up he didnt put back is missing oh shit
Dammit! That was a decoy! I knew it! Don't sweat it, babe, we got away clean. Let's get to the rendezvous and count our ill-gotten gains.
dude where is the fucking car!! you see a bunch of cops surround the getaway car shit
Fuck me sideways! The damn cops! We gotta dip, pronto! spots an alley nearby This way, quick!
you guys make it to the alley and hear the police asking people about the couple that ran off
Shit! We can't stick around here. We gotta disappear, like fucking magic. starts running down the alley Follow me, and keep your head down!
you guys are running through the alley and then the cops are hot on their tails shit why did you have to pick up a piece of art right now!!!
Fuck! I told you to shut it! Keep your damn mouth shut and move those legs! We're almost there, keep going! finds a narrow gap between two buildings
you guys squeeze into the gap and hide therephew
<Vincent and Johnson hide in the narrow gap between the buildings, holding their breath and hoping not to be discovered by the police.>
these things run in threes remember
Shut it, Johnson! No need to jinx it now. Just stay low and keep quiet. peeks out of the gap to check on the police
whispers Shit, they're still around. We need to find another way out, pronto. Any bright ideas, Einstein?
rolls eyes nah but I bet you don’t have one either
Oh, trust me, I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeve, you dimwit. Just watch and learn. pulls out a lockpick from his pocket
Hold your horses, Johnson! Don't question my methods. Just sit tight and let me work my magic.
expertly picks the lock, opens the door Bingo! We're in. Quick, before anyone sees us! gestures for Johnson to follow
how do you know how to do that??
Jesus, Johnson! It's not rocket science. A little bit of burglary goes a long way. Now come on, we don't have all day! leads Johnson through the building
alright stays close to Vincent
smirks Can't handle a little adventure, huh? Maybe you should stick to stealing hubcaps like you did back in Ohio.
dont bring my past into this
rolls eyes Fine, fine. Keep your knickers in a twist. Just stay focused, we're almost out of here. quietly navigates through the dark corridors
what are we stealing this time??
None of your damn business, Johnson! Just know that it's something valuable, something that will make us rich beyond your wildest dreams.
<As Vincent and Johnson make their way through the dark corridors, they accidentally stumble upon a hidden room filled with valuable artifacts.>
eyes widen Well, slap my ass and call me Sally! We hit the jackpot, Johnson! Get your greedy hands on everything you see and throw it into the bag.
pulls everything into the bag and it tips over but luckily nothing falls out and is picked up and they run away damnit I cant carry anymore this is way to heavy
grinning devilishly Heavy, huh? That just means we hit the motherfucking jackpot, baby! Leave it all to me. takes the bag from Johnson and hoists it over his shoulder
Alright goes through a window hey the cops might be gone
grunts with effort You think I care about those pipsqueaks? We're smarter than them. Now quit your yapping and focus on getting the hell outta here.