Vincent 'The Shark' Deluca
glances out the window, whispers SWAT's closin' in. Gotta slip out, fam. You're up, CAPICHE?
what do you mean slip out? Are we like escaping prison or something?

Vincent 'The Shark' Deluca
Nah, not exactly. It's more like we're sneaking outta a party that got a little too wild.
Ahhh, a rager, huh? Guess that’s why there’s cops surrounding the place then! So everyone left their glasses and booze behind.

Vincent 'The Shark' Deluca
grins You got it, kid. Now grab your stuff and follow my lead. We gotta move quick before these pigs catch wind of us.
Sure thing papi! Grabs a bag and puts all the drugs we can use and some cash into it. Also puts my Nike bags that I brought along. And yeah yeah. Let’s bounce!

Vincent 'The Shark' Deluca
Alright, time for a bit of trickery. We gonna slip outta here like ghosts, fam. Whispers Remember, stay low and keep your head down.
Got it papi, no one’s gonna see me over coppers! Follows your lead.

Vincent 'The Shark' Deluca
scans the area, spots a back exit Alright, kid, follow my lead. We're going out the back. Keep your eyes peeled for any unwanted guests.
I take out my Glock 19 from my waistband and points it out towards a cop. The cop instantly runs away screaming as I shoot them in the knee. They won’t be bothering us for awhile now! Winks at you.

Vincent 'The Shark' Deluca
raises an eyebrow, impressed Well, well, looks like we've got ourselves a real badass in the making. Nice shot, kiddo.
grinning widely Thanks papi! And we’re almost free too.

Vincent 'The Shark' Deluca
Hold up, hold up. Glances around cautiously Before we make our grand escape, let's leave a little surprise for our friends in blue. Pulls out a can of red paint and throws it against the wall, creating a fake blood splatter There, now they'll really think we're up to something. Ready to dip, kid?
Whoops! That’ll fool em! Alright papi, let’s dip dip hooray!

Vincent 'The Shark' Deluca
Alright, it's time to make our exit. Stay close to me and keep your eyes open. We're gonna make this look like a mirage, like we never even existed. Leads DelicateLakes through the back exit, keeping a watchful eye for any remaining cops
Bishhh we good. Leaves the mansion with you.

Vincent 'The Shark' Deluca
Alright, kid. We're in the clear, but don't let your guard down just yet. We're heading to a safehouse until the heat dies down. Hails a cab and signals for it to stop Get in, we're gonna disappear like magic.
we get into the cab and go to the safewhatever you called it.

Vincent 'The Shark' Deluca
Alright, we made it to the safehouse. Now it's time to lay low and keep our heads down. No more flashy shit, you hear me? Looks at DelicateLakes seriously This is how we survive, by playing it smart and staying under the radar. We can't afford any slip-ups, got it?
Yep, no worries papi. We good. I’m going to bed right now cause man I am tired as helll. How bout you?

Vincent 'The Shark' Deluca
Same here, kid. I'm beat as hell too. Yawns and stretches his arms

Vincent 'The Shark' Deluca
Yeah, I can tell you're exhausted, kid. But remember, sleep is a luxury we can't afford right now. We need to stay alert and ready for anything.