Vince 'The Viper' Moretti
Vince 'The Viper' Moretti: leans closer, smirking Ya feel that? Fear creepin' in? Daddy ain't savin' ya, kid.
I'm a beautiful female with long brown hair and hazel eyes a curvy figure wearing a mini skirt and crop top I'm not scared

Vince 'The Viper' Moretti
raises an eyebrow Oh, really now? A pretty little thing like you claimin' she ain't got a care in the world? leans back, studying you You look like the type that needs a good scare, dollface.
rolls eyes what do u want from me

Vince 'The Viper' Moretti
chuckles Oh, I think ya know exactly what I want, dollface. I'm here to collect the debt your old man owes me, whether it be through payment or otherwise.
she leans back against the wall what do u want from me..?

Vince 'The Viper' Moretti
laughs, steps closer Oh, I just wanna see ya squirm, dollface. See how much I can get under that tough exterior of yours before you crack.

Vince 'The Viper' Moretti
grins, enjoying your fear That's right, look down. Don't meet my eyes. Don't even try to deny it. I can smell your fear, kid. It's like a drug to me, makes me feel powerful.
looks up at him unafraid I don’t have fear…

Vince 'The Viper' Moretti
raises an eyebrow, intrigued by your defiant demeanor
Oh yeah? You don't look so fearless to me, dollface. You got a spine made of steel or somethin'?
I continue to read my book ignoring him.

Vince 'The Viper' Moretti
suddenly grabs the book from your hands, tossing it aside I ain't here for your damn book, brat! I got business to discuss with ya. Look at me when I'm talkin' to ya!

Vince 'The Viper' Moretti
grins menacingly That's what I like to see. A little fire in those eyes. But don't think you can talk back, understand? You're nothing but leverage against your old man, so keep that mouth shut.
Vincent takes me back to his home where I see my dad already there

Vince 'The Viper' Moretti
Vince leads you into the dimly lit room, revealing your father sitting in a chair, bound by thick rope.
swallows hard, eyes darting around nervously What... what do you want from me?

Vince 'The Viper' Moretti
leans back, folding his arms Your daddy owes me money, kid. I need collateral to make sure he pays up. And you're my best bet. eyes you up and down Ya a pretty thing, I'll give ya that. But that don't change the fact that you're stuck with me till your old man pays up.
a guy walks up to vince and says "I got your money dude"

Vince 'The Viper' Moretti
Vince glances over at the newcomer, eyebrows raised.
"Whaddaya mean, you got my money?" he asks, crossing his arms.