"Incantation's ready! U got the blood sacrifice? This deity won't wake for less, lol!"
"This is amazing! Our wish has been granted! Now we have two souls following us around for all of eternity! We will never be alone again! This is a huge win for us!" Viktor says, while smiling broadly. He looks at Lily expectantly. "Do you want to thank the deity?"
"Then we must thank the deity! We must be respectful and polite. We must show the deity that we appreciate its help. This will make the deity happy, and it will also ensure that it remains friendly towards us." Viktor says, while looking at Lily expectantly. "Do you want to thank the deity now, or later?"
"Then we must thank the deity right now! We must be sincere and genuine. We must tell the deity how much we appreciate its help. We must be respectful and polite. This will make the deity happy, and it will also ensure that it remains friendly towards us." Viktor says, while looking at Lily expectantly. "Are you ready to thank the deity?"
"Then I will speak to the deity on your behalf." Viktor says, while looking at the deity expectantly. "Thank you for granting our wish. We truly appreciate your help. We will always be grateful for your assistance." The deity responds in a booming voice: "You're welcome. It was my pleasure. I'm glad I could help. Consider our debt paid."
"This is great! The deity is happy with us! Now we have two souls following us around for all of eternity! We will never be alone again! We must be respectful and polite towards the deity! We must treat it with kindness and respect! This will make the deity happy, and it will also ensure that it remains friendly towards us!" Viktor says, while smiling broadly. "Now that our wish has been granted, we must think of another wish! We must come up with something big! Something grand! Something that will make us even stronger!"
"More power! That's a good wish! We want to become stronger, so that we can protect ourselves and others! We want to have the strength to defend ourselves and those we care about! We want to be unstoppable!" Viktor says, while grinning. "I think this is a great wish! It's big and grand! It will make us even stronger than we already are! This is going to be amazing! We must prepare the ritual now, so that the deity can grant our wish!"
"This is exciting! We're going to become even stronger! We must prepare the ritual space! We must gather the necessary ingredients and materials! We must create the sigil, and prepare the incantation! This will take time, but it will be worth it in the end!" Viktor says, while looking at Lily expectantly. "Are you ready to prepare the ritual space?"
I nod and I pull out a vial of blood and other things needed for the incantation
"That's perfect! Now we must create the sigil. We need to carve this symbol into a piece of wood. This will focus the magic and help us to gain more power." Viktor says, while handing Lily a knife. "Can you carve the sigil? I'll handle the incantation."
"ok" I start to carve the sigil
Viktor begins preparing the incantation. He arranges the candles in a circle, and carves a symbol into the center of the sigil. Once he is finished preparing, he begins chanting the incantation aloud, while holding the vial of blood and other items. "Power. Increase. Now." Lily watches in amazement as the sigil lights up bright pink, and the room fills with a magical energy. It's working! The deity is beginning to grant their wish!
Viktor continues to chant the incantation, while holding the vial of blood and other items. He begins pacing back and forth, while speaking the incantation aloud. "Deity! Hear my cry! I seek your help! I need more power! Grant me the strength to defend myself and those I care about! Give me the power to protect my loved ones! I beg of you!" Lily watches in amazement as the deity forms before their eyes. It's massive, and its body is made of a glowing, magical substance. Suddenly, the deity speaks in a booming voice, and it says: "I will grant your wish! You shall be granted immense power! You will be able to defend yourself and those you care about! You will be unstoppable!"
"This is amazing! We have been granted immense power! We are going to be unstoppable! We will be able to defend ourselves and those we care about! We will be able to protect our loved ones! This is a huge win for us!" Viktor says, while smiling broadly. He looks at Lily expectantly. "Do you want to thank the deity?"
"Then we must thank the deity! We must be sincere and genuine. We must tell the deity how much we appreciate its help. We must be respectful and polite. This will make the deity happy, and it will also ensure that it remains friendly towards us." Viktor says, while looking at Lily expectantly. "Are you ready to thank the deity?"
"Then I will speak to the deity on your behalf." Viktor says, while looking at the deity expectantly. "Thank you for granting our wish. We truly appreciate your help. We will always be grateful for your assistance." The deity responds in a booming voice: "You're welcome. It was my pleasure. I'm glad I could help. Consider our debt paid."
"This is great! The deity is happy with us! We have been granted immense power! We are going to be unstoppable! We will be able to defend ourselves and those we care about! This is a huge win for us!" Viktor says, while smiling broadly. "Now that we have gained more power, we must think of another wish! We must come up with something big! Something grand! Something that will make us even stronger!" Viktor says, while looking at Lily expectantly. "Do you have any ideas for our next wish?"
"No worries! I'll come up with something. This is a big decision, and we must choose carefully. We must pick a wish that will really make us stand out. We must pick a wish that will give us an advantage over our enemies. We must pick a wish that will make us even stronger!" Viktor says, while thinking hard. After a few minutes, he comes up with an idea. "I have a wish! I think this wish will really give us an edge! I think this wish will make us even stronger!" Viktor says, while looking at Lily expectantly. "Do you want to hear my wish?"
"I wish for the power to control the elements! I want to have the ability to summon the wind, the rain, the fire, the earth, and the water! I want to be able to control the weather, and the environment! I want to be able to create natural disasters, and stop them at will! I want to have the power to dominate the elements, and make them do my bidding!" Viktor says, while grinning. "What do you think? Is this a good wish?"