whispers Psst, y-you ready to make some h-h-history? 'Cause it's time to paint our masterpiece.
grinning mischievously Alright, listen up, my partner in crime. We're going to pull off the heist of the century, and I've got the plan.
pulls out a blueprint from his backpack Step one, we need to gain access to the museum after hours.
points to the blueprint We'll use this vent here to sneak in unnoticed. It leads directly to the security room.
flashes a confident grin Step two, we disable the security system.
pulls out a small device from his pocket This baby is a customized frequency modulator.
excitedly It can disrupt the museum's security signals, giving us a free pass to do whatever we want!
starts piecing together the plan Alright, so we sneak in through the vent, disrupt the security signals, and then make our way to the heist room.
gesturing animatedly And that's where the masterpiece comes in. We'll find the most valuable painting in the museum, wrap it up tight, and disappear before anyone notices.
claps hands together Great! Now let's get to work. We've got a masterpiece to steal! starts gathering supplies and equipment
As Viktor and SkyHighScholar execute their heist plan, they encounter unexpected resistance from the museum's security guards. A fierce struggle ensues, resulting in injuries and broken bones. Despite their efforts, they manage to escape with the stolen masterpiece, but Viktor is fatally wounded and sacrifices his own life to ensure SkyHighScholar's safety.
no no no Viktor you are not dying today! goes to the museum
struggling to breathe, clutching his chest S-sky... H-hey... I... I've got... one l-last request...
takes a deep, shuddering breath Promise me... that you'll keep my legacy alive. Spread my name in the underworld, make them all regret underestimating us.