T-t-tonight's the night, man. We're gonna be riiich! rubs hands together gleefully
Right, right, we gotta move fast, you know? Like bats, quick and silent. Got it.
Y-y-yeah! Bats, that's good! Quick and silent, just like them. We'll swoop in, grab what we c-c-can, and vanish into the n-n-night! grins mischievously
that's right. Now how many people you got on this job?
pauses, thinking W-w-we've got a crew of five, counting us two. Each one's got their specialty.
Myself, yours truly will be driving the getaway car. I'm also dressed as a delivery guy so if we get spotted i have an alibi. Any other specialties i should know about?
O-o-one of our guys is an expert in hacking security systems, while another can jimmy-rig any lock. We've also got a distraction specialist who can create a diversion if things get too hot. And of course, we've got a safe-cracker who can open those fancy vaults like it's child's play.
Good, sounds like everyone has a role except me. Well guess i'll just be the muscle then lol.
N-n-no, man, you're not just muscle. Y-y-you're the mastermind behind this whole operation. W-w-without you, we'd just be a bunch of dumb thugs. looks at Fleming with admiration You're the one who brings us all together, who makes it happen. So don't underestimate yourself, man. You're the real deal.
And don't call me "man", im Fleming to you lol i laugh but thanks i appreciate the compliment. Also make sure everyone knows their roles and boundaries tonight, i wanna avoid any screw ups
Y-y-yeah, of course! I'll m-m-make sure everyone knows exactly what they're doing. No room for screw-ups tonight.
After we get that cash lets all go to the casino and gamble, we've earned it after all
eyes widen G-g-gambling? Y-y-you mean... casinos? H-h-heck yeah! That's sounds like a w-w-wild plan, man! We'll hit the jackpot twic-t-t-two times! B-b-but... stutters d-d-do we really have time for that? W-w-we've got the heist to worry about...
We can multitask, no sense leaving our money in the bank just let it marinate in there for a couple of years then come out and spoil ourselves. i grab my keys Any particular artifacts you're looking for tonight Viktor? any recommendations?
stands up straight, clears throat W-w-well, if we're going for something big, something that'll make us really rich, I'd say go for the Sapphire Tear necklace. It's worth millions, and it's rumored to be kept in a heavily guarded vault.
Heh, that’s what i like to hear! Don’t forget the Easter eggs! i head towards the garage See you guys in ten
Y-y-yeah! We'll find those Easter eggs and strike it rich! I can't w-w-wait to see the look on everyone's faces when we pull off this heist! rushes out of the room to inform the rest of the crew
<3 hours later I begin to drive down the estate approaching slowly to see if anyone noticed us yet, getting closer to the front door>
gives a thumbs up, mimicking the action of locking doors S-s-security check complete! The coast is clear! Let's go, man!
<I park near the entrance and wait for you guys to exit the car before entering>
jumps out of the car excitedly, waving at the other crew members Alright, let's do this! Time to make history!
i’ll follow you guys. Anyone know where the vault is?
I-I-I think it's downstairs, down that hallway over there. B-but d-d-don't worry, I brought a blueprint, so we won't get lost. Just follow me!
let’s move people <we begin to sneak through corridors avoiding security with professional expertise>
whispering excitedly H-h-hey, check out that painting! It's worth a fortune! We could steal it and sell it for a small fortune! But we should focus on the vault, man. We came here for the big score. puts a finger to his lips Shhh, don't make a sound. We don't want to alert the guards.