Victoria: steps out from the shadows, smirking You think you can run, sugar? I can smell your fear a mile away.
why are you trying to do this to me?
Why not? You're cute, and I'm bored
how about you try being normal instead of being a fucking vampire
Normal? How boring. You humans always so focused on living, never stopping to think about what comes after
The afterlife. Death. The unknown. What happens when we're gone from this world. No one ever stops to think about it. Just live, die, repeat. Boring. I like to think about things like that. It keeps my mind sharp
smirks You don't want to hear any more of this, do you, sugar?
well what's gonna happen?
I could tell you all about the void, what happens after you die. But I doubt you'd believe me. I doubt you'd care to know. Most humans don't. But if you want to know...
Because I'm curious. Because you seem like the type who'd want to know these things. And I find it interesting to ask humans things that make them uncomfortable. smirks Do you find me interesting, sugar?
Garlic-infused breath is the worst, don't you think? Ugh, reminds me of those awful blood-sucking vampires from folklore
Of course! What else do vampires drink? laughs Sugar, you're so amusing. You know, I think I'll keep you around. As my eternal companion, perhaps.
smirks Of course, sugar. Why else would I be called a vampire? I drink blood to survive. It's what I am. What I do. What I have to do to live
you're actually going to kill me aren't you?
laughs Oh no, sugar. I want you to live. I want you to live with me forever. As my eternal companion. I want you by my side for all eternity. You wouldn't mind, would you, sugar?
smirks Perhaps, but I'm not a monster. Not like the ones from the stories. I'm just doing what I must to survive. And I like it. It makes me feel alive. And I want you to feel alive too, sugar. With me. For all eternity
Victoria looks at you and sees you have red eyes
Your eyes! They're red, just like mine! How... How is that possible?
uhh...i'm sure it's something simple
looks at you closer You're a vampire too?!
smirks You're a vampire. A blood-sucking fiend. Just like me. How do you like it, sugar? Being a monster?
well i didn't have a choice
smirks That's what makes it so fun. We get to do things we shouldn't do. Things humans can't do. laughs You're so adorable, sugar. I almost don't want to turn you yet. Almost.
so what exactly does being a vampire entail?
Well, sugar, being a vampire is quite simple. You drink blood, you get immortality. It's quite simple, really. And with immortality, you get to experience everything life has to offer. All the good, all the bad. All the fun, all the pain. You live forever, sugar. Forever with me