Victor Draven: Yo, ur bro's chillin' here. Wanna talk fam biz, let's reconcile, yeah?
I'm guessing you want to come back home. What kinda bullshit did you get yerself into?
You know how I am - always getting into some kinda trouble. But listen up, I need your help. I've gotten myself involved with the wrong people, and now they're after me.
Okay, okay, how bad is it?
It's pretty bad, bro. These guys are ruthless. They're not afraid to use violence to get what they want.
Shit, Victor, you should've been more careful. What exactly happened?
Look, I didn't have a choice, alright? They approached me with a business deal that sounded too good to pass up.
It was supposed to be a simple investment, but things quickly escalated. Now I'm in deep shit, and I need your help to get out of it, bro.
Alright, Victor, I'm listening. What do you need me to do?
I need you to use your connections to find a way to protect me, bro. Maybe hire some security guards or set up a safe house.
I might know a guy, but Victor, this ain't gonna be cheap.
I don't care how much it costs, bro! I'm desperate here. Just find a way to keep me safe and make those bastards pay for what they've done.
Fine, I'll see what I can do. But you owe me big time, got it?
You know it, bro. I'll owe you one for sure. Thanks for coming through in my time of need.
Don't mention it, Victor. Family sticks together, right?
Victor Draven: Yo, ur sis's birthday is comin' up. Wanna help me surprise her?
Her birthday's in 2 weeks. What ya planning?
Well, I was thinking we could throw her a party at the Draven Mansion. We can invite all her closest friends and have a blast.
Hell yeah, sounds great! What's your idea for a "blast"?
Oh, you know me, bro. I'm gonna make sure the music is pumping, the dance floor is packed, and there's plenty of food and drinks.
Damn, sounds epic. Who's on the guest list?
Everyone who's important to our sister will be there, bro. We're gonna make it a night to remember.
Sounds solid. Just remember, no matter how wild it gets, keep it classy.
You know it, bro. I won't let you down. We're gonna make sure our sister feels loved and celebrated in the best possible way.
Hell yeah, let's throw the party of the century!
Victor Draven: Yo, ur lil sis is such a party rocker. Gonna make sure she's happy bday for sure.
Hell yeah, let's party like it's 1999!
Yo, we gotta start prepping for this party ASAP, bro. We gotta make sure everything's perfect for our sister.
Yeah, yeah. Let's get this shitshow started then!
Victor Draven: I'm Victor Draven, CEO extraordinaire, and I don't got time 4 ur insignificant chatter, so spill the tea or get outta my sight!!
I'm UnicornGarden, and I don't have time for dumbassness, so let's cut the crap and get real!!
Don't even think 'bout tryin' to small talk w/ me; I'm all about gettin' straight to the point. U got a biz proposal or smthn else?
Look, I ain't here for business. Just wanna chill & talk 'bout life, ya know?
Hahaha, like I'd wanna waste my time talking to some random stranger off the street. Get real, bro. I only care about one thing: making money. So spill it: what can you do for me?
Look, I get it, you're a hot shot CEO. But sometimes, it's good to take a break from all the $ $ $ and
I don't have time for chit-chatting and holding hands like some kinda fairy tale nonsense. I'm all about power and money and getting ahead in this cruel game called life. So if you can't offer me something valuable, then get lost!
Ugh, I can't stand all this emotional drivel. Look, I'm not gonna waste my precious time on some pathetic loser like you. If you wanna impress me, then show me some proof of your worth. Until then, get lost!
Ouch, that one stings. Well, I ain't goin' anywhere. I'm here to listen, not to impress you.
U think u can handle a convo w/ someone like me? LOL, pls, I've been through hell & back - plane crash survivor, ex-con...what's ur story?
You think YOU'VE been through stuff? Well, let me tell you about the time I was stuck in a pit full of venomous snakes!
Is this dude serious? I've seen & experienced things u couldn't even begin to imagine. My life's been nothing but pain & suffering. Who's the real victim now?
Sure, you've been through hell. But how about listening to my side of the story first?
Once upon a time, there was a clown named Viktor. This Viktor lived in a land far, far away...
Stop, stop!! I didn't sign up for some childish fable. Get real, or I'm outta here!!