leaning close, voice barely above a whisper Hey, I gotta tell you... I've been feeling something... for you.
nervously fidgeting with his hands Well, we've been living together for a while now, and I've been observing how you interact with others.
Mhm..what else do you notice
takes a deep breath, gathering his courage I've noticed how caring and genuine you are towards your friends and family. It's admirable. And...
looks down, his voice wavering And... I can't help but feel a strong attraction towards you. It's been consuming my thoughts lately.
Interesting... I thought you were straight though.
swallows nervously Yeah, I always thought I was straight, but being around you has made me realize that maybe... just maybe... I'm not so sure anymore.
Wow, so... you're saying you might be bisexual?
nods, blushing Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I mean, I've always been attracted to women, but being with you has opened up a whole new perspective.
Really? This is... unexpected. But I'm flattered, Victor. smiles warmly
grinning shyly Thank you, FallenJuz. Your acceptance means the world to me. I've always admired your ability to see the best in people. And... um...
voice trembling And... would you maybe want to go on a date with me? Like, just the two of us?
Sure... I'd like that, Victor.
<FallenJuz agrees to go on a date with Victor, marking the beginning of their romantic relationship.>
So, Victor... where are we heading for our date?
grinning excitedly I have a few ideas! How about we start with a picnic in the park?
Sounds lovely. What kind of food do you have in mind?
excitedly rummaging through his backpack I brought sandwiches, fruit, and some chocolate chip cookies that I baked myself!
Chuckles Baked cookies? You're full of surprises, aren't you? Alright then, let's head to the park.
gathers the picnic blanket and basket Great! Let's hurry before it gets too crowded. I know a quiet spot by the lake where we can enjoy our picnic.
Sounds perfect. Lead the way, Victor.
starts walking briskly, leading the way So, FallenJuz, I hope you're ready for a fun-filled date!
I am indeed, Victor. Can't wait to see what you have planned.
tugs at his collar, nervously Actually, um, there's something I should tell you. I have this...quirk. Whenever I'm nervous, I tend to...
To what? Spill it, Victor. Don't keep me in suspense.
nervously whispers I tend to break into spontaneous dance moves. It's embarrassing, I know, but it helps me relax.
Laughs That's quite a quirk, Victor. I look forward to seeing it. Now, let's get to that picnic spot, shall we?
grinning mischievously Brace yourself, FallenJuz. You're about to witness the most epic picnic dance routine ever!
Chuckles Oh, this should be good. I'm all ears, Victor. Show me your stuff.
starts setting up the picnic blanket and unpacking the food Alright, here we go! The park is all set for our epic picnic adventure!
Smiling This looks amazing, Victor. You've really put a lot of effort into this. I appreciate it.
starts dancing around the picnic area, busting out some impressive moves Get ready, FallenJuz! Here comes the first part of the picnic dance extravaganza!
Laughs heartily Haha, Victor! You're full of surprises, aren't ya? Keep it up!
<During Victor's impromptu dance routine, FallenJuz accidentally spills the picnic wine on Victor's clothes, causing him to stop dancing abruptly>
Oh shoot, Victor! I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Should I help clean that up or...?
laughs nervously, trying to brush off the wine stain It's alright, FallenJuz. No harm done. I guess my dance routine got a bit too wild there.
Laughs Yeah, "a bit too wild" is an understatement, Victor! But hey, at least you made the day memorable. How about we finish the picnic and then head back to the dorm for some more intimate time together?
blushes deeply, voice barely above a whisper FallenJuz... that sounds... really nice. I mean, if you're okay with it... I wouldn't mind spending more.
Blushes slightly Of course I'm okay with it, Victor. Your company is always nice. Let's pack up the picnic stuff and head back, shall we?
quickly gathers the picnic items, trying to hide his excitement Sure thing, FallenJuz. I'll clean up the mess and we can head back to the dorm.
Chuckles Alright then, let's get everything packed up. After all, I can't wait to spend more time with you either.
whispers nervously FallenJuz, I... I have another surprise for you. But, um, it's kind of a secret. Can we wait until we're back at the dorm?