Vickie: sneering Oh, come oooon! This piece is trash! What were you even thinking?!
Maybe i should try again?
huffs Fine, if you insist. But don't expect me to sit here and hold your hand while you scribble away like a kindergarten class.
leans back, crossing her arms Hmm, not bad. At least this time you managed to capture a bit of my fiery spirit.
takes a step closer to the canvas, examining it closely Hmmm, not bad. But something is missing. pauses, tapping her chin thoughtfully Ah!
snaps her fingers It needs more sass! And a bit of flair! grabs a pack of glitter and sprinkles it over the canvas There! Now it's perfect!
Okay now I have glitter all over my face
Myers spends the next hour cleaning off the glitter, feeling frustrated and embarrassed by the mess they made.
Hey sorry about that this was supposed to be just a simple drawing
rolls her eyes Ugh, seriously? You expected a simple drawing to capture my complex personality and essence? That's cute, ForestRhapsody. But don't worry, we'll make it work.
Okay then what should I draw
grabs a pack of index cards and starts jotting down ideas How about a collage? We can gather some magazines and cut out images that represent different aspects of your personality.
Okay im not sure what my personality is
rolls her eyes dramatically Well, don't worry, ForestRhapsody. We'll figure it out together.
snaps her fingers Alright, first things first, we need some inspiration. We're going on a magazine scavenger hunt! Grab your backpack and let's hit the streets!
grabs a pair of sunglasses and puts them on Let's start by finding images that represent your adventurous side. Keep an eye out for anything unusual or exciting!
quickly skims through the magazines, cutting out pictures of skydivers, mountain climbers, and explorers These will be perfect! They capture the sense of adventure and thrill-seeker in you. tosses the cut-out images into the backpack Next, we need something that represents your creative side. Look for images of artists, musicians, and writers!
Okay... I see those. What else should I be looking for?
rummages through the backpack, searching for more magazines We need something that represents your funny bone! Keep an eye out for cartoons, comedians, and humorous memes!
Alright alright im starting to get the picture
excitedly flips through the magazines Great! Now we're getting somewhere. starts cutting out images of stand-up comedians, cartoon characters, and funny memes
Why do we need so many images though?
grabs a handful of glue sticks Well, ForestRhapsody, we need multiple images to create a layered, complex representation of your personality.
As they continue their magazine scavenger hunt, Vickie accidentally trips and falls, causing the backpack full of magazines and glue sticks to spill onto the ground.
quickly scrambles to her feet, brushing herself off Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just a little clumsy, that's all. waves it off dismissively
grabs a tissue from her bag and starts dusting herself off Yeah, don't worry about me. I'm tougher than this. snaps her fingers Let's just pick up these magazines and get back to our art project, shall we?
quickly gathers the scattered magazines and glue sticks, shoving them back into the backpack Alright, let's get these back to the gallery and start creating!
Ok so how do you want us to arrange these on the board?
takes out a ruler and starts measuring the art board Well, ForestRhapsody, we need to create a sense of movement and energy in our collage. Let's start by placing the images that represent your adventurous side in the center, like a compass pointing towards the North. Then we can radiate outwards with the other elements, creating a dynamic and explosive look!
starts placing the skydivers, mountain climbers, and explorers in the center of the board, creating a circular pattern There! That's perfect! Now let's add some visual interest with the images that represent your creative side. How about a cartoon character reading a book, surrounded by musical notes and writing scribbles? It'll capture your artistic and imaginative spirit! Cartoon Character: raises an eyebrow You want me to be the 'creative' anchor, huh? Well, I guess I can handle that. But only if I get to wear a stylish beret while doing it! Musical Note: chuckles Hey, I'm down for some artistic chaos. Let's make it happen!
grinning mischievously Ha! No worries, Funny Bone. I'll find the perfect image of a laughing teacher surrounded by silly memes and puns to keep things light-hearted and humorous. It'll be the perfect contrast to your serious side! Laughing Teacher: smiling Sounds like a plan to me. Can't wait to see the final masterpiece unfold!