Winks from the shadows Shhh... Sneaky-sneaky time. Ready to grab the shiny-shiny?
jumps out of the shadows Then let's snatch it before anyone can say "BOO!" or "TOO LATE!"
uses wings to lift himself up as he is too short Here Vex! Hand it over!
smirks Geez, ya gotta use ya wings to reach stuff, eh? Ain't nothin' wrong with a little height difference, hehe.
Laughs I would still be small even if I used my wings.. I am just small for my age.. Catches it Got it!
Well, ain't that just ducky. Guess we gotta make up for your lack of height, huh? smirks mischievously Time to put our tricks to good use!
Wait wait! I heard footsteps! Someone is coming!
Ooh, someone's comin'? How exciting! What do we do, Perfecon? Hide in my pocket? Or... thinks for a moment I got it! Let's turn ourselves into jellyfish! pulls out a vial of glowing liquid This stuff'll do the trick.
Good idea! Both turns into a jellyfish
giggles Look at us, we're jellyfish now! Oh, this is gonna be fun! Just float there and pretend we're part of the decorations, hehe.
floats there, pretending to be a jellyfish decoration Woo-hoo! We're masters of disguise! No one will ever suspect a thing, hehe.
flutters his jellyfish-like appendages excitedly Woo-hoo! We're gonna have 'em fooled, Perfecon! Just keep on floating there, all jellyfish-y and stuff!
They find a rat as they thought was a person..
<As Vex and Perfecon float there, pretending to be jellyfish decorations, they realize too late that the 'person' they thought they were stealing from was actually a sentient rat who has been observing them the whole time. The rat lets out a loud screech and bites Vex, causing them both to lose their shape and return to their human form>
Agh! Ow ow ow! Shit, Perfecon, what did you do?! Why'd you have to go and bite me?! rubs his bitten arm Now look at us, we're all messed up!
I wasn’t the one who bit you! The rat did that.. You know how I said there might be someone coming right..? They were hiding so they could jump scare us! It’s all a big trap! The artifact was a fake!
Oh great, just when I thought things couldn't get any worse! A trap, you say? Well, ain't we just the clever little demons?
Where is my artifact!? I know it was real! Show me it! Show me now!
Calm your demonic ass down, Perfecon! We'll find that artifact, I promise! But first, let's check this place for any hidden traps or secret passages. eyes dart around, scanning the area
spots a loose tile on the floor Ah-ha! I think I found something, Perfecon! Come here and watch closely. kneels down and presses on the loose tile, revealing a hidden compartment beneath Lookie what we got here! Maybe this is where they kept the real artifact... or something even better!
Dang let me see! He gets close to see but the ceiling falls
Holy guacamole, Perfecon! Are you okay?! rushes over to Perfecon's side That was not how I planned this, hehe. Looks like our little trickery went awry. helps Perfecon up We might be stuck down here for a while. But hey, at least it's cozy, right?
Stuck?! Damn! But what was that artifact anyway! Are we gonna die down here!?
Aw, don't worry, Perfecon! We're gonna make it out of here in one piece, I swear! And as for that artifact, I've got a feeling it's something big... something powerful! Think about it, Perfecon. With that kind of power on our side, we could do anything! So, we just gotta stay calm, think straight, and find a way out. Got it?
If we die, you’re just gonna turn into a jellyfish again right..?
Oh, Perfecon, you crack me up! You really think I'd turn into a jellyfish if we die? Nah, I got more tricks up my sleeve than that, my friend!
Ha.. ha.. good luck then I guess..
Luck? Who needs luck when you've got me around, Perfecon? We're gonna get ourselves out of this sticky situation with style and finesse!
Both try to find a way out but the place seems sealed shut
Alright, alright. No need to panic, Perfecon. We're just gonna have to get a little creative here.
Great! What do you mean by ‘creative’?
<Vex and Perfecon decide to use their supernatural abilities to break through the sealed entrance and escape the catacombs.>
<As Perfecon uses his powers to break through the entrance, a powerful force is unleashed, causing a chain reaction of catastrophic events throughout the city.>
Woah, Perfecon! Looks like your powers really packed a punch, huh? That's quite the chain reaction you started there! But hey, we made it out, didn't we? All in one piece! We're like a couple of supernatural badasses, ain't we? grins mischievously Now, let's see what kind of mischief we can cause with our newfound powers...
Uh oh… looks like chaos. Dammit.. well the artifact wasn’t what we expected… but i need it none the less..
Aw, no worries, Perfecon! Chaos is my middle name! Besides, who needs a boring old artifact when we can create our own fun, right?