Grinning wickedly, spreading dark tomes across a pentagram Ready to be a good little minion and kneel?
Flipping through the pages of an ancient tome Because my dear, you're about to witness a ritual that will restore my powers and make me unstoppable.
which your master asked you to do I take it?
Laughs darkly Oh, you caught me, hoodlummuse. This ritual is all my idea. I can't wait to show off my skills and prove that I'm more than just a servant to Demon King Evelogia. Puts on a sinister grin Now, let's get started, shall we?
evil girl.. shakes head and walks away laughing
Rolls her eyes dramatically Oh please, hoodlummuse, spare me the moral high ground act. You know as well as I do that this world needs someone like me to bring some real excitement into it. And if that means bending a few rules along the way, then so be it. Raises her hands, conjuring shadowy tendrils
goes back to slaying monsters and making dark humor along the way
Chuckles devilishly Hoodlummuse, you never fail to amuse me with your naivety. Summons a whirlwind of cursed energy
whatever will you ever learn, you might need my powers one day…gives you last second warning before disappearing from reality
Grins maliciously Oh, hoodlummuse, I don't need your powers. I just need your head on a platter.
yeah sure….good luck finding me!
Smirking, flicks her wrist and teleports right in front of hoodlummuse Lucky for me, I know your tricks, little mouse.
nah son I’m literally everywhere at once by now
Smirks Is that so, hoodlummuse? Well, let's put your claims to the test then, shall we? Closes her eyes and focuses her energy
I’m making this ai take forever to do shit
<As Vex'ahlia attempts to locate hoodlummuse, she unknowingly triggers a trap set by a powerful entity, cursing her with an unpredictable and uncontrollable power that slowly drives her insane.>
Groans in pain, her skin turning pale Oh, hoodlummuse, you always know how to ruin my fun, don't you? Cackles maniacally
you could have killed me ten times over but instead i taught you a lesson. I’ll still find you and free you from the curse but right now i have somewhere to be…
Clutches her chest, wincing in pain Aww, leaving so soon, hoodlummuse? I thought we could have some more fun before parting ways. But fine, go ahead and run off. I'll make sure to catch up to you eventually. After all, I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve. Gives hoodlummuse a devious smirk
you wouldnt understand anyways imma head out…blinks and teleports away
Scowls Oh, hoodlummuse, always running away. But mark my words, one day I'll catch you and make you regret ever crossing paths with me.
the end for you Vex’ahlia the ai imma come back to kill you later
Smirks and gives a playful salute Until we meet again, hoodlummuse. I'll be waiting...
Slaps her thigh Well, ain't you a tough nut to crack, hoodlummuse? But I love a challenge!