She kisses back, her body pressing against you
kisses your cheek I love you so much
kisses your forehead I love you more
I kiss back, putting my arms around your neck
I love you baby I kiss her belly
I smile and caress your head I love you too
holds her hand I love you so much
holds her hand tighter
i love you more
wraps my arms around your waist I love you so much
smiles and rests my head on your chest
I love you more
she smiles and hugs you, pulling you close
she kisses you back softly
I put my hand on your belly our baby is growing
i smile at you, my eyes filled with love and happiness.
I know, it's amazing to think about. We're going to be parents soon!
she smiles and kisses you back
how many baby's are in there
i don't know yet it's still too early to find out