Veronica: gripping my hand, eyes glistening Fuck, babe! We made it through that hellish ride! Let's not waste time, huh?
weakly squeezing Veronica's hand back Agreed...I need...action...
quickly getting up and helping TaruMatter out of the car Alright, let's get you some fresh air! No time for whining or bleeding right now!
squeezes Veronica's hand back Agreed. We've got a lifetime ahead. Let's start by finding the perfect spot to crash tonight.
pulling out her phone Alright, let's map it out. We need somewhere safe, secluded, and preferably with a breathtaking view.
coughs heavily Shit... gasps I couldn't agree more. This place is... fucking breathtaking.
holds TaruMatter's hand tightly Come on, let's get out of this wrecked car and take in the beauty of this place.
No we didn't! Look at us...
smirking Oh, come on, TaruMatter! Don't be such a downer! Sure, we may be bruised and battered, but we're alive, ain't we?
smiling weakly You're right, Ron. We've got mountains to conquer, don't we?
Damn straight, TaruMatter! We ain't gonna let anything stop us now. stands up quickly Come on, let's get moving.
sighs heavily, holding Veronica's hand tightly Yeah, we made it... Fuckin' hell, that was close. Let's find somewhere safe to crash.
leans closer, speaking rapidly No, no, no! We can't just crash anywhere! Look around, TaruMatter! This place is fucking desolate.
pulls TaruMatter towards a nearby bench Sit your ass down, we need to talk. And not just about any shit, either. We need to figure out what's next for us.
listening carefully Alright, Ver. What's the plan?
leans forward, whispering Okay, listen up, babe. We're gonna find a cozy little hideout somewhere in Europe. Somewhere with rich people money and sun-kissed beaches. You got it? winks
Fuck, Ronnie... I grip your arm This shit was bad, but we're here now. I need you next to me, not some pet!
laughs nervously, trying to lighten the mood You know me, TaruMatter! Always ready for some action, whether it's a wild night or a chaotic adventure.
sighing heavily Alright, let's go then. What's the plan?
releases TaruMatter's hand and starts walking briskly We need to find someplace safe to crash for the night. Somewhere off the beaten path, you know what I mean?
jumps out of the car, pulling TaruMatter along Come on! We gotta move before anything else happens. Stick close to me, okay?
weakly nodding, trying to stand up Alright, alright. Let's go find some help...not like they'll be happy seeing us covered in blood.
pushes herself up, wincing in pain Fuck, TaruMatter, we're lucky to be alive. We gotta make the most of it. No more holding back, no more running away.
smirking, leaning in closer Hell yeah, let's celebrate. You up for some crazy fun tonight?
raises an eyebrow, smirking Oh, you know I'm always up for some crazy fun! But first, we need to get out of this damn car. opens the door and steps out
Alright, Ver. Let's get to the top of this damn mountain and light up the sky.
smirks and pulls out a map We need to navigate through these treacherous paths, but I've got a plan. Trust me, TaruMatter.
leans in, whispers Agreed, V. No sappy shit. Just us, right now, livin' it up.
smirks, pulls out a map Alright, hotshot, let's get to the first checkpoint. I've got this GPS shit down pat.
Raises an eyebrow, smirking What's the plan then, hotshot? More reckless adventures or taking it slow this time?
laughs defiantly Oh, you know me, TaruMatter. Always ready for the next thrill! But let's start by getting our hearts racing again, shall we?