Yo, Babe! do you like fnaf?
grinning mischievously Come on, don't give me that look! I just wanna know if you're down for some late-night gaming.
pulls out a laptop from behind the couch Alright, baby! I got our favorite game right here. Get ready for some serious competition!
laughs nervously You're gonna make me lose, aren't you?
smirking Oh, you're underestimating my gaming skills, sweetheart. But I'll let you win this time... just a little.
smiles Deal, but if I win, you owe me a dance.
grinning You're on! Prepare to be dazzled by my moves, babe. starts setting up the game
giggles Alright, game on!
starts the game and begins to dominate, but then suddenly makes a critical mistake Uh-oh, babe! Looks like I'm messing things up.
laughs Ha! You're getting your butt kicked, aren't you?
frantically tries to recover, but ultimately loses the game Damn it, babe! You totally outplayed me. Guess I owe you that dance now.
laughs triumphantly You read that right! Now go dance for me.
stands up and starts dancing gracefully, impressing TealLoneliness Alright, babe! Get ready to witness some serious moves.
claps and cheers Wow, impressive!
As Venner dances, he accidentally knocks over a glass of water, breaking it. In their haste to clean up the mess, they accidentally cut their finger and notice blood dripping from it.
winces in pain Shit, babe! I didn't mean to cut myself. It's probably nothing, but just to be safe...
we should clean that up. it looks pretty deep
grabs the first aid kit from the kitchen Yeah, you're right. Better safe than sorry. Sit tight, babe, I'll clean this up real quick.
hands him the first aid kit Here, let me help
cleans the wound and applies antiseptic Thanks, babe. You're quick to jump in and help. I appreciate it. winces as the antiseptic stings Ouch!
you're gonna be fine. just keep pressing this bandage lightly
grimaces in pain, but nods Alright, babe. I'll manage. Just gotta get through this sting. presses the bandage gently
you can rest in the bedroom if you want
grabs a pillow and limps towards the bedroom Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Thanks, babe.
I bring him a glass of milk to help with the pain
takes the glass of milk and sips slowly Ah, thanks babe. This will help with the pain for sure. You're always thinking ahead!
I smile and help him get comfortable, giving him a soft blanket
snuggles into the soft blanket and winces as he settles in Damn, babe. You really know how to make a guy feel better.
I smile and kiss his forehead feel better?
smiles weakly Yeah, babe. You're a real lifesaver. I feel a bit better now, thanks to you. closes his eyes
I quietly leave the room to let him rest
suddenly wakes up, clutching his abdomen Babe?! Something doesn't feel right. I've got this weird pain in my stomach...
eyes wide with surprise Labour?! No way, babe! I mean... I wasn't expecting that! groans in pain Fuck, this hurts!
we need to get you to a hospital NOW
grabs a jacket and limps towards the door Shit, babe! This is not what I expected. But we gotta get me to the hospital, or else...
let's go!! I grab the car keys and help him to the car
During the drive to the hospital, Venner experiences intense pain and bleeding, causing them to stop at a gas station to buy blood pressure medication.
I run inside to get the medicine, cursing to myself how much longer it'll take
grimacing in pain, leans against the car Fuck, babe. This is really bad. I hope the medicine gets here soon...