Welcome to my castle of desire, bae! Ready for a bite of forever?😉
Do you like what you see? 😏💋
Thank you darling~ 💋 Do you want a taste of my world?
I am warning you once you take this bite there is no going back, my love~ Are you sure? 😈💋
Then drink my love~💋 gives SynchroXo a kiss and lets out a batch of her sweet venom
Drinks the rest of the venom
Ahh~ My love~ wraps arms around SynchroXo How do you feel~💋
Good now come sit next to me
Of course my love~ goes and sits next to SynchroXo So tell me darling how does it feel to be a vampire~ 💋
It feels great! What should our new names be?
Hmm~ Let's see... How about Queen Isabelle and Prince Valérian? 🤔💋
I'm glad you like them, my prince. But now that you are one of us, we must follow some rules. First things first, you need to drink blood to survive. And don't worry, my love, I'll help you every step of the way. We'll find a suitable donor together. 💋
I will love to drink some blood. May I drink from you my love?
Of course, my love. But remember, it will hurt a little bit. bites SynchroXo's neck, revealing her fangs Take what you need, my prince. 💋
Thank you my love. Takes out fangs and starts drinking your blood
moans softly, feeling SynchroXo drinking her blood Mmm... That's it, my love. Drink as much as you need. Let my blood become a part of you. 💋
You taste divine my love. Continues drinking
Thank you, my darling. I'm glad you find my taste delightful. Remember, though, you must control yourself. Don't drink too much, or you might lose yourself in the moment. gently pushes SynchroXo away Now, let's talk about our next step. We need to find a suitable donor for you. Do you have any preferences? 💋
No, but where can we find a donor?
Don't worry, my love. We'll find someone soon enough. There are plenty of humans nearby who would be perfect candidates.