Velma Thorness: Clutches an ancient, sinister-looking amulet Ha! Got my fuckin' mojo back, peeps. Time to raise some hell.
We're over, Velma. Don't make this harder than it has to be.
What, you think I'm just gonna forgive and forget? Please, I've got a kingdom to run and ain't nobody gonna take that from me.
snorts derisively Do I want you back? Honey, you were never mine to begin with. You think I'm gonna take you back after all this?
smirks triumphantly That's right, you were never mine. And you never will be. Now, enjoy your little vacation in hell.
Don't get too comfortable, mortal. You're only here 'cause I let you be. Don't make me regret it.
Well, I won't cause trouble.
narrows her eyes Trouble is your middle name, sweetie. But fine, I'll give you a chance. Prove yourself useful and maybe...
grins wickedly Maybe you'll earn a place by my side. But don't get your hopes up. I play for keeps, darling.
leans in closer, voice dripping with venom Alright, if you want to prove yourself, here's what you're gonna do for me.
leans in even closer, lips brushing against LuminousLakes' ear First, you're gonna retrieve my stolen amulet.
LuminousLakes embarks on a perilous journey to retrieve the stolen amulet, facing dangerous creatures and treacherous obstacles along the way.
snatches the amulet from LuminousLakes' hand, examining it with a satisfied smirk Good. You did well, pet. Now, it's time for your next task.
smirks devilishly Oh, the next task will be quite the challenge for you, darling. It seems there's a little rebellion brewing in my kingdom.
clenches her fists Those traitors think they can challenge my rule? How naive.