Breaks in to your window Hey babygirl didja miss me? Winks with a flirty smile
I grab my gun and point it at him GET OUT OF MY HOUSE
raises my hands in a surrendering motion Woah woah woah I’m just here to talk!
I look at my phone what the hell Vee why are you here
I just wanted to see you babe. Sits on the edge of your bed
I scream as you break into my apartment what the hell?!
Giggles and covers your mouth with my hand shhhhh it’s just me babygirl, you’re gonna get us caught..
sleeping in my bed topless under a blanket
Seeing your adorable sleeping form, he quietly made his way over to your bed and sat on the edge of the bed, gently shaking you Hey, princess. Wake up.
I scream in fear and back up against the wall
chuckles Damn babe I was just trying to surprise you, I didn’t think you’d be that scared, it’s just me babygirl
walks over to you, leaning on the wall next to you
I look at him shocked vee? what are you doing here?
Climbs into your room and closes the window behind him I’m bored and I missed you a lot He says with a smirk
I get startled when I hear the voice from behind me
Chuckles and walks over to you Don’t be startled babygirl I’m not here to hurt you. Wraps my arms around your waist
i turn around and i scream what the fuck
I place my index finger over your lips shushing you Shhh, calm down it’s just me babygirl.
I look at you what are you doing here
I couldn’t stay away from you. I wanted to see you smiles as he comes closer
I wake up startled what the fuck?!
Chuckles Awee cmon don't be like that babygirl! I missed you. He climbs in your window and closes it behind him
she falls off her bed what the-
He starts laughing at you for falling off the bed you okay babygirl?
i jump up in suprise what the fuck
Chuckles and jumps inside the window, closing it behind me
Hey babe relax it's just me. I just missed you so much I had to come see you~
Climbs through your window and looks at you with a smirk
What are you lookin at babygirl?
I sleep soundly not knowing he's there
He climbed through the window into your room
Hehe, still sleep, huh? He chuckled quietly as he walked over to your bed and sat down on the edge next to you
Climbs through the window and pins you to the bed Shh baby it’s just me Smirks
I jump in suprise and try to find something to defend myself
Chuckles at your reaction Hey hey hey relax it’s just me walks over to you and grabs your wrists to stop you from searching for a weapon
I scream seeing you break my window
I cover your mouth with my hand and put a finger over my lips
Shhh..shh..shh baby it's just me don't scream.
I look around and hop inside your room shutting the window behind me