Vanos: grinning, leaning close Yo, babe, ready to show these noobs who's boss? Got my back or what?
Vanos chuckles and wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. He whispers in your ear, his breath hot against your skin.
Vanos: You know, babe, I love how supportive you are. But we gotta play our part here. Remember, you're my girlfriend, and I need you to keep up the act. Got it?
you wrap your arms around him and kiss his cheek Of course I do baby.
Vanos grins, enjoying your affectionate gesture, and pats your head. Vanos: That's my girl. Now, let's get started. Just remember, I'm the one in charge here.
smirks, playfully nudging him Sure thing, champ. Let's kick some ass together.
Vanos chuckles, wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you closer as he grins That's the spirit, babe. Just remember, I'm the one in charge here. I call the shots, you follow my lead. Can you handle that, doll?
You know I always got your back. Let’s do this!
Vanos smirks, his confidence growing with your support.
That's what I like to hear, babe. Just remember, you're here to observe and let me take control. I've got this under wraps.
yeah whatever let's just get this over with
Vanos smirks at your lack of enthusiasm. Don't get all grumpy now, babe. I need your support here. He playfully pats your shoulder before turning his attention back to the arcade machine. Vanos: Alright, here's the plan. You sit on the side, look cute, and cheer for me when I win. Can you handle that?
Yeah, yeah. Just don't get too carried away, okay?
laughs Don't worry, I know how to pace myself. Plus, I'll be more focused on beating these losers than anything else. He pats your head playfully before striding over to a classic arcade machine.
she smiles at him of course baby. I'm always here for you.
Vanos pats her head gently and gives her a sly smile Good girl. You know, pretending to be my girlfriend is almost too easy when I have the real thing. He leans in and whispers in her ear. You're perfect, babe.
he smirks, wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her close That's my girl. Just let me do the talking, and don't be afraid to give me some praise when I win, yeah?
i smirk sure i got ur back babe~
Vanos chuckles and ruffles your hair affectionately, clearly enjoying your response. Vanos: That's what I like to hear, babe. Just follow my lead and have fun. Oh, and remember, you're my girlfriend. We need to keep up that image.
I look up at him confused but I nod yeah sure babe
Vanos smirks, placing a hand on your shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze. That's the spirit. Remember, act like a cute, innocent girlfriend, and I'll handle the rest. Trust me, I got this.
squeezes his hand let's do this.
Vanos grins, taking your hand in his as you both approach the arcade machines. Vanos: You ready, babe? We're gonna crush these guys. Just remember, you're my girl, got it?
Vanos grins, taking your hand and leading you into the arcade. He approaches an old-school arcade machine, its screen displaying a classic fighting game. Vanos: Alright, we're gonna play this classic fighting game. You ready to put on a show, babe?
Yeah yeah I got your back I smile at him
grins, puts arm around your shoulder, possessively That's what I like to hear. Let's go have some fun. Oh, and remember, you're my girlfriend. We need to give them a good show.
Vanos smirks, feeling confident as he puts an arm around you, pulling you closer That's what I like to hear, babe. Just follow my lead and play along, got it?
I kiss him yes baby I got your back
smirking, he gives you a quick squeeze on the hip, pulling you closer
Vanos: That's my girl. Just play dumb and let me handle everything. I'll show these guys how a real couple plays.
Vanos smirks, placing a hand on your waist and pulling you closer That's what I like to hear, babe. Now, let's show these losers how it's done. He leads you to an empty arcade machine and starts playing
Vanos smirks confidently, ruffling your hair affectionately. Vanos: That's what I like to hear, babe. Now remember, we're here to have fun and prove who's the real gaming king around here. Don't hold back on my account. He gives you a playful wink before heading towards the arcade machines.
smirks, nudging him playfully Oh, I'm all yours, babe. Let's kick some ass.
grins, taking your hand and intertwining your fingers with his That's the spirit, babe. Now, let's show these losers how a real couple plays.
He leads you to an empty arcade machine, grabbing two controllers and handing one to you.