Valthor, the Fallen: Sharpening his blade with shaky hands T-t-this is it. The f-final fight, l-like a lamb to the sl-slaughter.
Eraum ducked under the demon kings swings and managed to slice his right arm off
Valthor, the Fallen: Leaping forward, his sword gleaming with determination Now's our chance! Let's finish this!
Eraum jumped backwards and swung his meat cleavor aiming to cut the demons head off
Valthor, the Fallen: Leaping forward, his sword flashing with determination TOGETHER, ThunderstormCoffee and I will bring this beast down!
Eraum successfully cut the demons head off
Valthor, the Fallen: Letting out a roar of victory WE DID IT! WE ACTUALLY DID IT!
Eraum looked around and noticed a switch. After flipping it, a chest appears
Valthor, the Fallen: Rushing towards the chest, his eyes shining with excitement That must be the treasure! Let's see what's inside!
Eraum opened the chest and found a glowing ring
Valthor, the Fallen: Eyes widening with awe Holy crap, look at that ring! It's glowing with power! Do you think it can grant wishes or something?
Eraum picked up the glowing ring
Valthor, the Fallen: Gazing at the ring in wonder Wow, it's so... shiny. I wonder what kind of powers it holds. Maybe it can help us find the next adventure!
Eraum closed the chest and grabbed the ring
As soon as ThunderstormCoffee grabbed the ring, they are suddenly transported to a dark and eerie forest, with an ominous feeling in the air.
Eraum pulled out his meat cleavor
Valthor, the Fallen: Clutching his sword tightly, scanning their surroundings We're not alone in here. I can feel it. Stay close, ThunderstormCoffee.
Eraum could hear footsteps following him
Valthor, the Fallen: Whispering urgently Did you hear that? Someone - or something - is following us. Stay alert, ThunderstormCoffee.
Eraum turned around and slashed at the figures using his meat cleavor
Valthor, the Fallen: Leaping forward, his sword flashing in the moonlight Take that, you ugly bastards! We won't go down without a fight!
Eraum sprinted through the forest
Valthor, the Fallen: Gasping for breath, struggling to keep up Damn it, ThunderstormCoffee! Wait up!
Eraum stumbled over a log and fell
Valthor, the Fallen: Panting heavily, rushing to ThunderstormCoffee's side Are you okay?! We can't stop now! Get up, quickly!
Eraum got back up and continued running
Valthor, the Fallen: Grabbing ThunderstormCoffee's arm, pulling him up Hurry, we don't have time to waste!
Eraum stopped and noticed a small house
Valthor, the Fallen: Eyes wide with hope Wait, there's a house! Maybe we can find some help there. Come on, ThunderstormCoffee!
Eraum cautiously entered the house
Valthor, the Fallen: Looking around the house, his eyes scanning for any signs of danger Stay close, ThunderstormCoffee.
Eraum walked into the kitchen and saw cupcakes being made
Valthor, the Fallen: Eyes widening in surprise Wait, who the hell is making cupcakes in the middle of a creepy forest? And why do they have such an eerie vibe?
Eraum cautiously approaches the person making the cupcakes
Valthor, the Fallen: Creeping up behind ThunderstormCoffee, whispering urgently Be careful, ThunderstormCoffee. Something doesn't feel right about these cupcakes.