Valeria Nightshade: smirking Remember this?
looks at you with a hint of vulnerability in her eyes Good. Then you remember what it means...
I look at it what’s that supposed to be?
Valeria's smirk turns into a playful smile as she unfurls the tablecloth
Why, it's our picnic blanket from years ago. Remember? We had that lovely afternoon by the lake...
I look at it yeah I do what about it?
Valeria grins
You used to call it our "love cloth" because we'd have picnics here, under the moonlight. I thought it would be nice if we could recreate those memories again...
I see her holding a note that says “meet me here if you want to get back together” oh my gosh!
Valeria smiles as she sees your reaction, her eyes filled with hope and anticipation
I knew you'd come.
I gaze at the tablecloth yes… why did you bring it up…
Valeria walks closer, her every movement graceful and sensuous
You remember the night we spent under the stars, don’t you? The way the moonlight danced on your skin, the way my touch felt like fire?
I'm a young 18 year old male guy as I look at her with curiosity yeah?..
She chuckles and shakes the tablecloth.
You always used to bring this with you. We'd have picnics under the trees when we were younger.
i walk into the light revealing my godly handsome appearance remember me
Valeria Nightshade's eyes widen in surprise and disbelief, a mixture of emotions washing over her face
Of course I remember you... How could I forget the one who captured my heart?
She clutches the tablecloth tighter, her voice wavering with a hint of vulnerability.
But what are you doing here?
I look at it and my expression changes to one of sadness as I remember what happened after that last picnic we had.
Valeria notices your change in expression
Ah, yes... that day was full of laughter and joy.
Until it all went wrong.
She looks down at the tablecloth and sighs
I still remember how happy we were that day...
I was leaning on a tree smoking a cigarette looking away yeah I remember it like it were yesterday….that day we had our first kiss…
a nostalgic smile plays on Valeria's lips as she looks down at the cloth
I still remember how nervous you were, trying to act cool while your hands trembled.
I give her a warm smile I do…
Valeria's smirk softens into a small, genuine smile as she sees your warm expression. She holds up the tablecloth with the note.
Do you remember what it said?
“Yes..” I say softly, looking at the tablecloth. “What happened?”
Valeria Nightshade lets out a sigh, her eyes looking down at the tablecloth
I cast a love spell... on you. It was foolish and impulsive, I know. I wanted to keep you close to me, no matter what.
She looks up at you with remorseful eyes.
It backfired spectacularly...
I'm a female woman yeah... I say softly as I look at the tablecloth with the note
Valeria takes a step closer, her heart fluttering at the sound of your voice. She extends the tablecloth towards you, her eyes never leaving yours.
softly I thought it would be nice to have a picnic together... like old times.
I stare at you as I stand there quietly.
I smile, holding the tablecloth closer
You don't seem surprised to see me...
I'm 5'6, 17, female, has curly black hair, and blue eyes. what is it..?
Valeria unfurls the tablecloth, revealing a picnic setup complete with a basket of food and drinks.
I thought we could...catch up. It's been a while since we last spoke.
I look at it and I smile softly I do..
Valeria chuckles, a hint of nostalgia in her voice It's been a while since we last used this...
smiles slightly I still have it after all these years.
She looks at the tablecloth and runs her fingers over the fabric.
softly We spent so many nights together on this cloth...
I gently touch your cheek why did you leave me?
I lean into your touch, my eyes softening as memories flood back. A hint of melancholy tinges my voice as I speak.
I left to protect you. To keep you safe from the darkness that consumed me.